Please see the GRF.pdf file -
You can easily train the model by
cd grn
or with the hyper-parameters as
python --wd 1e-2 --lr 1e-2 --ps 5 --d1 0.2 --d2 0.2 --d3 0.4 --n_iters 3 --dataset "cora"
The default hyperparameters for Cora dataset are
- n_hids : 112
- n_iters: 9 (Actually, it corresponds to T=8)
- d1, d2 : 0.2 , d3: 0.4 (Dropout rates for RNN, Attention, Dense respectively)
- lr: 1e-2 (Learning rate)
- wd: 1e-2 (Weight decay)
- ps: 5 (Patience for early-stopping)
- dataset: "cora" (or "citeseer", "pubmed")
GRN incorporates the convolutional operations in RNN framework, and achieves the comparable performances with the existing models like GCN(Graph Convolutoinal Networks) and GAT(Graph Attention Networks) for Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed dataset where the adjacency matrix is fixed. GRN also computes quite fast even though it is based on RNN model.
The data set has the interesting property - as the data points jump according to the randon-walk transition matrix, and they cluster over a few centres within 10 iterations.
The above figures are t-SNE visualization of the data points jumping over 1 time(left) and 10 times(right), and colored with their labels. After 10 iterations, the data points cluster over a few centres.
GRN consists of one simple RNN and two dense layers for computing the attention and the scores. The architecture of the model is as below.