
The Haxademic library, upgraded to Processing 3.x

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Haxademic is a multimedia platform, built in Java and Processing. It's a starting point for interactive visuals, giving you a unified environment for both realtime and rendering modes. It loads several Java libraries and wraps them up to play nicely with each other. It solves a number of problems faced by (potentially) thread-unsafe hardware inputs like audio, Kinect, MIDI and OSC. To view some projects created with the library, check out the Haxademic Tumblr.

State of affairs

While the code has been open-sourced, I haven't had time to write much (any) documentation, but I'm trying to get it there. You can see the example apps and sketches to get an idea of how to use various features. Even without fully installing everything, there's plenty of interesting code within, and I fully endorse borrowing it however you see fit in the meantime. If you're interested in collaborating, please contact me via my GitHub account, or my web site. If you'd like help getting the project running, follow the instructions below.

Features / Capabilities

  • Inputs
    • Audio input and analysis (both realtime and step-through for rendering)
      • FFT analysis
      • Waveform/oscilloscope data
      • Audio beat detection
    • Step-through rendering with multiple audio files concurrently
    • MIDI input (both realtime and step-through for rendering)
      • Cached MIDI input to avoid thread-unsafe operations
    • OSC input
    • Kinect input, with skeleton tracking and helper methods
    • Simple webcam wrapper
  • 3D tools (using Toxiclibs WETriangleMesh objects as the common format)
    • Convert SVG files to 2D meshes
    • Simple 3D extrusion of 2D meshes
    • Load and convert .obj, .gif & .svg files to WETriangleMesh
    • Mesh pool object to load and hold instance of any number of meshes
    • Base Camera type, with simple camera subclasses (needs work)
    • Draw a mesh with incoming Audio data spread across the faces
    • Shatter a box or sphere with randomized Voronoi3D calculations (soon to work on any mesh)
    • Some basic shape-drawing code
    • Mesh smoothing
    • Mesh deform from audio input
    • Apply off-screen audio-reactive textures to a 3D mesh
  • Text tools
    • Create a 2D or extruded 3D mesh from text with a custom .ttf font
    • Draw 2D text with a custom .ttf font
  • Input controls
    • Button
    • TextInput
  • Image processing
    • PImage reversal & other image utilities/helpers
    • PImage <-> BufferedImage conversion for native image processing
    • Multiple screenshot methods
    • Photoshop-like effects processing (via Java Image Filters)
    • Custom image filters
  • Math objects
    • Math utility methods
    • Easing 3d floats
    • Elastic 3d floats
  • Drawing utilities
    • Utilities to (re)set Applet properties like lighting, current matrix, drawing colors
    • OpenGL utility to set GL-specific properties
    • Eased color interpolation
  • Output
    • Render to Quicktime or image sequence with minimal effort
    • High-quality rendering with the Sunflow renderer, for beautiful globally-illuminated, antialiased scenes
    • Audio playback with cached audio clip pool
  • General Environment / System utilities
    • .properties file loader with overridable defaults
    • Directory searching for specific filetypes
    • Automatic system screensaver disabling while running
    • True full-screen mode on OS X
    • Toggles the window chrome on a non-fullscreen Java application
    • Debug utilities to report current actual frame rate, memory usage and print red text to the console
    • Timestamp generators
    • CSV loading & saving
  • Apps
    • HaxVisual - A modular VJ system (video)
    • KacheOut - A 2-player Kinect-based video game (video)
    • AirDrums - A Kinect-based air drum machine
    • TimeLapse - Renders a .mov video from an image sequence in a directory (video)
    • MusicVideos - A collection of Applets that render music videos, audio-reactive and otherwise

Installing / Compiling

  • TODO: These instructions need to be updated for Processing 3.x
  • Download the standard Eclipse IDE for Java development, and the Java Development Kit itself:
  • Download and install the latest SimpleOpenNI (Kinect) drivers with the instructions for your particular platform. This is most likely to work with the 1st-gen Kinect model 1414
    • If you have a model 1473 Kinect camera, you might try this build of the SimpleOpenNI library
  • Clone or download the Haxademic-2 project
  • Open Eclipse and: File -> Import -> General / Existing Projects into Workspace
    • Choose the haxademic directory that you cloned/downloaded, press Finish, and the project should be ready to use
  • Make sure you're compiling with Java 1.6 instead of the new default of 1.7:
    • Right-click the haxademic project in the Package Explorer or Navigator window and click Properties
    • Click the Java Compiler section and check the Enable project specific settings box on the right
    • Select 1.6 as your Compiler compliance level, if possible
    • If "Configure the Installed JREs" is shown at the bottom of this window, click that, make sure the 1.6 item is checked, then click OK.
  • Download and install the Processing 2.0 core libraries (they're too big to include in this project). Add the jars to your build path, as well as the libraries that come with Processing (video, minim, etc.):
    • Download Processing and right-click the application. Select Show Package Contents
    • Within the package, navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/core/library
      • Copy the contents of this directory to haxademic/lib/processing-2.0/core (create this directory if it doesn't exist)
    • Within the application package again, navigate to Contents/Resources/Java/modes/java/libraries, and again copy the contents. Paste them into haxademic/lib/processing-2.0/libraries
    • In the Package Explorer in Eclipse, right-click the lib directory and select Refresh
    • In the lib/processing-2.0/core directory, right click the following .jar files and select Build path -> Add to build path:
      • core.jar
      • gluegen-rt.jar
      • jogl-all.jar
    • In the lib/processing-2.0/libraries directory, right click the following required .jar files and select Build path -> Add to build path. You can add others that you might need for your project:
      • minim/library/jl1.0.jar
      • minim/library/jsminim.jar
      • minim/library/minim.jar
      • minim/library/mp3spi1.9.4.jar
      • minim/library/tritonus_aos.jar
      • minim/library/tritonus_share.jar
      • video/library/video.jar
      • video/library/gstreamer-java.jar
      • video/library/jna.jar
  • Right-click on a PApplet or PAppletHax subclass within src and choose Run As -> Java Applet from the menu. Hopefully you're seeing something awesome at this point.

Haxademic uses the following Java & Processing libraries, which I've included in this repository so you don't have to find them yourself (more on that below):

Use the following VM Arguments when running the Java Application to increase memory allocated to your app

  • -Xmx2048M
  • -Xms1024M


  • -Xmx4G
  • -Xms2G

General Use / Tips

  • If you want to wipe your bin/ directory, you'll have to do a Project -> Clean… in Eclipse afterwards.

Copying Haxademic to a new project

  • Copy the entire haxademic project directory to a new one in your filesystem
  • Make sure hidden/system files are showing
  • Delete the .git folder
  • Open the .classpath file with a text editor and replace the instance of haxademic with the name of your new project directory
  • Open the .project file with a text editor and repeat the previous step
  • Open Eclipse, and in the Package Explorer panel, right click in the empty space and select "Import Project"
    • Select "Import existing projects into workspace…"
    • Open Eclipse and: File -> Import -> General / Existing Projects into Workspace
    • Choose your new project directory and press Finish - the project should be ready to use in its new sandbox

Run properties

These properties can be set by editing run.properties, or setting your own custom .properties file by setting _customPropsFile in setup():

public void settings() {
	_customPropsFile = FileUtil.getFile("properties/vectorfield.properties");
  • appConfig.setProperty( "width", "1280" );
  • appConfig.setProperty( "height", "720" );
  • appConfig.setProperty( "fullscreen", "true" ); // exactly what it says
  • appConfig.setProperty( "display", "2" ); // run app on a second screen (requires fullscreen set to true)
    • The old way looked like this:
    • PApplet.main(new String[] { "--hide-stop", "--bgcolor=000000", "--location=-1280,0", "--display=1", MyApplicaition.class.getName() });
  • appConfig.setProperty( "fills_screen", "true" ); // fills the screen with the app, but doesn't remove the chrome or go into true fullscreen
  • appConfig.setProperty( "is_retina", true ); // set retina screen mode for high-res goodness
  • appConfig.setProperty( "force_foreground", "true" ); // tries to run the app on top of everything, no matter what type of adware popups your computer launches in front of it
  • appConfig.setProperty( "disable_esc", "false" );
  • appConfig.setProperty( AppSettings.RENDERING_MOVIE, "true" ); // renders a movie while the app runs
  • appConfig.setProperty( "leap_active", "false" ); // turns on the leap motion
  • appConfig.setProperty( "kinect_active", "false" ); // turns on the kinect
  • appConfig.setProperty( "audio_debug", true); // print audio hardware info*
  • appConfig.setProperty( "smoothing", "0" ); // turn off smoothing
  • appConfig.setProperty( "smoothing", ""+OpenGLUtil.SMOOTH_DEFAULT ); // set smoothing to default

Converting .mov output options

Convert output .mov to an mp4:

$ ffmpeg -y -i input.mov -vcodec mpeg4 -b:v 10000k -f mp4 output.mp4
$ ffmpeg -y -i output.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -b:v 10000k output-final.mp4

Convert output video file to gif. The last parameter (640) is output gif width:

$ cd ./util
$ ./movie2gif.sh inputfile.mov outputfile.gif 640

Convert a movie to frames, then to a gif, using ffmpeg and imagemagick:

ffmpeg -i input -vf scale=320:-1 -r 10 frames/ffout%03d.png
convert -delay 5 -loop 0 frames/ffout*.png output.gif

Publish a .jar of the /core

$ cd haxademic/bin
$ jar cfv ../../ohheckyeah/ohheckyeah-games-java/lib/haxademic/haxademic.jar ./com/haxademic/core/*

Run your app from the command-line or a shell script:

  • Window -> Show View -> Other... - > Debug
  • Open the debug window, find your recently-run app, and right click to get to Properties.
  • Find the command under Command Line:
  • You could even copy this to a script.sh file, and run it with:
    • sh script.sh


  • Get rid of Minim, and perhaps create an interface for the 2 audio libraries for FFT data
  • Fix Windows issues
    • image files starting with . should be ignored
    • AppUtil code that's Apple-specific should be injected if the platform allows
  • Fix problems with using haxademic.jar
    • Shouldn't require a properties file
      • MIDI should just be enabled by default without a midi_device_in=In in run.properties
      • Sunflow/Joons is somehow enabled by default without sunflow=false
    • Modularize these lib dependencies:
      • Ess
      • minim
      • oscp5
      • SimpleOpenNI (PApplet skeleton callbacks)
  • Comment the codebase and generate docs
  • Create a unified keyboard/MIDI/OSC input system with improved midi/osc data handling
  • Clean up legacy code that's no longer used
  • Lots more noted in the PAppletHax class comments


The Haxademic codebase and apps are MIT licensed, so do what you want with these files. Feel free to let me know that you're using it for something cool. I've added 3rd-party .jar files and compiled Java libraries that I'm probably not actually allowed to redistribute here, so if you're the owner of one of those libraries and would like the files removed, let me know. I've included them to aid those who would like a quick start and not have to search for the many dependencies of this project. Some of these libraries have disappeared from the web entirely, so searching for them may be futile anyway. I just want people to make cool things with this library, and hope you understand.