Polkadot Standards Proposals

Polkadot Standards Proposals (PSPs)

A Polkadot Standards Proposal (PSP) describes standards for the Polkadot ecosystem. The Polkadot Standards Proposal GitHub is a community-based initiative.
PSP process is not supposed to be a substitute for Polkadot Governance process and is meant to focus only on commonly agreed usage patterns rather than protocol adjustments.

📋 Process

Below is the workflow of a successful PSP:

1. Draft -> 2. Call for Feedback -> 3. Accepted -> 4. Integrated
  1. Draft: A valid draft, which is merged into into the draft subfolder and actively improved together with the community.
  2. Call for Feedback: The PSP will be shared on different channels for additional feedback for at least 2 weeks. The result of this step is either an acceptance of the standard (->Accepted) or the rejection (->Draft).
  3. Accepted: Any further changes are unlikely, and developers can start integrating the PSP. Once a PSP is accepted, a reference implementation needs to be created and the PSP will be merged into the accepted subfolder.
  4. Integrated: The PSP is actively used and a reference implementation exists and the PSP will be merged into the integrated subfolder.

In order to be merged or accepted for the different stages, reviewers need to approve a PR. Reviewers should be known experts in the topic covered by the PSP.

📝 Contributing

Before you start writing a formal PSP, you should discuss an idea in the various community channels (see the Polkadot community website). A PSP should provide the motivation as well as a technical specification for the feature.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. In the newly created fork, create a copy of the template.
  3. Fill out the template with the details of your PSP. If your PSP requires images, the images should be integrated in a subdirectory of the src folder, which has your PSP number as the name.
  4. Once you have completed the application, click on "create new pull request".
  5. Rename the file with "psp-number_of_your_pr.md".
  6. Update the pull request.

💡 Help