Codestagram Photo Filters

Today we're making a photo sharing site called Codestagram. Users will be able to upload photos, and get a page with their photos run through cool filters.

How This Project Works

app.js is filled with comments that indicate what our app needs to do to be completed. Some of those comments might reference this readme, so be sure to keep it open. Follow the comments one by one, and make sure to run your project frequently to make sure everything's going smoothly. Console log anything you're unfamiliar with, so that you can see what it is.

Bonus Objectives

  • Try adding more filter styles in photoFilters.js, you can reference the Jimp documentation to learn how to use it
  • Try allowing for multiple photo uploads. This one's tricky, as in addition to uploading multiple, you'll have to send multiple to /gallery's query param.
  • Try hooking up a database to this that saves all Codestagram uploads, and have a list page to look at them