Advent of Code 2022

Welcome to my trash code for the event Advent of Code 2022!


This project uses Anaconda and Python. The YAML configuration file is found in ./environment/environment.yaml. To set up the environment, execute:

conda env create -f ./environment/environment.yaml

After environment creation, execute:

conda activate aoc


Code is kept in ./code/python/day{day_of_month}. Each day will have the set of code used to accomplish the task, example input files, and my own assigned inputs. These tend to be randomized, so they will not work for your own submission. The general flow will be:

python <script>.py <input_file>.txt

The result will be output to the CLI.


At some point, I plan to use this event to learn GoLang. My plan is to first solve each task using Python, then try to recreate it using Go. The Go code is in its own separate ./code/go/ directory.

To execute, first make sure you have no issues with Go pathing. Conda installs its own version.

Next, execute the Go code as follows:

cd ./code/go/<day_dir>
go run <part version>.go <input_file>.txt

The result will be output to the CLI.