
A tutorial on installing fail2ban and banning repeat offenders

Fail2Ban Ban Repeat Offenders

It's difficult to find a concise tutorial on how to ban repeat offenders with fail2ban. In this small tutorial, we will be using the built in recidive.conf to ban repeat offenders. For a server that is repeatedly hit with malicious login attempts, this will increase security and clear the logs. Note that this methodology was completed on Ubuntu 16.04 with fail2ban version 0.9.3-1.

Install fail2ban and make a jail

If you haven't already, install fail2ban: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y And now create your first jail. sudo nano /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Here are the files for the entire jail:

enabled = true  
port = 22  
filter = sshd  
logpath = /var/log/auth.log  
findtime = 600  
maxretry = 10  
bantime = 600  
ignoreip = //YOUR IP HERE//

enabled = true  
port = 22  
filter = recidive  
logpath = /var/log/fail2ban.log  
findtime = 86400  
maxretry = 2  
bantime = 3600  
ignoreip = // YOUR IP HERE //
protocol = all  
action = iptables-allports[name=recidive, protocol=all]

Here's an explanation of what's happening above.

  • The sshd filter monitors ssh connections in /var/log/auth.log and will ban users for 600 seconds after they have had 10 bad failed attempts (feel free to change any values).
  • The recidive filter monitors the list of users sshd has banned in /var/log/fail2ban.log. If it sees an IP twice, then it will ban that IP for 3600 seconds. This is the repeat offender banning.
  • I'm not sure if action and protocol are required, but I'd rather have them in the file anyway.

Finishing up and glossary

When converting from an existing fail2ban install, you'll have to do a feel things differently.

sudo service fail2ban stop
echo > /var/log/fail2ban.log 
## NOTE: you just need to clear out fail2ban.log, might have to sudo -i, then run that command
sudo service fail2ban start
sudo service fail2ban status

This will start with a fresh log, which may be necessary to get the desired bans. Make sure to run sudo service fail2ban restart after any major changes.


findtime: window of time to allow retry attempts, in seconds

maxretry: amount of times a user can retry their username/password

bantime : amount of time to ban IP address, in seconds

ignoreip: whitelist of IPs to never ban