
Source code of personal webpage

Primary LanguageHTML

Academic personal pages

This repository hosts the source code to build an academic personal page based on the academic theme for Hugo. The pages are created with Rmarkdown (.Rmd) files and converted to markdown (.md) with the R package knitr.

Installation requirements

You must have Hugo installed on your system. In most Linux distributions, it may already be available through your package manager. If it is not, follow the instructions on the Hugo website.

You will also need the latest version of R and the latest version of knitr, which can be installed as follows:


Building from scratch

To build a site from scratch with Hugo, you can simply run:

hugo new site <mysite>

where <mysite> will be the container of the source files for your site. Then cd mysite. By default there will be no theme preloaded, so you will have to pick one from here. As we are using the academic theme, the "installation" would be done by cloning the git repository of the theme:

git clone https://github.com/gcushen/hugo-academic.git themes/academic

To have an example structure of a complete webpage, simply copy the exampleSite folder:

cp -av themes/academic/exampleSite/* .

Then start Hugo server with

hugo server --watch

and open your browser at localhost:1313 to see the website. Every time you edit and save a file from this structure, the pega is automaticaly refreshed.

Forking this repository

You may jump all the steps above by forking this repository and editing the content as you need.


If you forked this repository, go to the root of your site, start hugo server and follow these steps do edit the content of your webpage:

  1. Edit the contents of config.toml. This is straightforward to do since all the fields have intuitive names.
  2. Edit all the .Rmd files under content/home. Some files will not need any further processing as they stand only for holding the "widgets" to render information from other folders.
  3. Edit or create new files (copy the TOML headers from existing files) in folders: project/, publication/, and talk/ (if you will use it all). If files inside this folders are properly set, then information will be automatic rendered in the webpage.

Note that all files created are .Rmd files, since we may want to render R source code from any page. To render all .Rmd files at once, source and run the custom function build(). All .Rmd files in all subfolders will be rendered to .md files.


  • One important modification made in config.toml is the value of publishDir which is set to docs instead of the defauld public folder. This was made only because to publish a website from Github pages, the contents must lie in a folder with this name. We are not using this scheme in this repository, but may want to use it in others, so it was set like this.
  • For the reason stated above, the build() function has an argument called ignore.path, which by default is set to "docs". This means that .Rmd files under this path will be ignored for kni'ing since they dont't need (and didn't should be) processed. So if you didn't specify a publishDir then you must use build(ignore.path = "public") or any other folder you've specified.
  • Other important field in config.toml is the baseurl, which must be set accordingly with the host address of your webpage.

Building the website

After editing the contents and running build() you still have one more step to effectively build your site with Hugo. This is done by simply running


from the root of your project. The command will build the site by creating all the necessary files at the publishDir directory, which in our case is the docs folder. This is all you need to host your webpage somewhere.

Deploying the site

To publish your site in a personal server, you just have to move the contents of the docs folder to the apropriate place on that server. This can be done with rsync or any other tool.

For convenience, there is a shell script called deploy.sh which can be properly set to build and deploy the contents of your site to a remote server. (Edit this file before using it!).


A tipical workflow should be like this:

  1. cd to the root of your site
  2. Run hugo server --watch
  3. Edit/create new files (.Rmd)
  4. Run build() in R to render .Rmd files
  5. Build your site with hugo
  6. Deploy with deploy.sh

Details when hosting on git

  • If you are not using Github pages to host your site, as in this case, you may want to put the docs folder in your .gitignore, since they are only the byproducts of a build from the source files. Therefore, it is important only to track those source files.
  • If you will host your page with Github pages, then remove the docs folder from .gitignore and properly set (in repo Github settings) that the site must be deployed from there.


  • If you build the site from scratch and cloned the academic theme, then it is a git repository inside another (if you made the root of your site a git repository). To properly track the theme folder you may need to do this:
git rm --cached themes/academic
git add themes/academic

Useful links