
When is ST3 going to be supported?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I tried most of prefixr repos, but they are not working in ST3 so far.


NiBu commented

+1. Just upgraded today and am missing Prefixr already!

Same, please add support

I am out of the office until 24.02.2014.

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Ich bin bis am 24.02.2014 abwesend und habe keinen Zugriff auf meine E-Mails.
Bitte wenden Sie sich in dringenden Fällen an Rolf Kälin rolf.kaelin@ricoh.ch.

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Stefan Mogicato
Business Analyst

Thank you for your mail. I will be out of the office until 24.02.2014. In that period I do not have access to my
mails. Pls contact in urgent cases Rolf Kälin, rolf.kaelin@ricoh.ch.

Kind Regards
Stefan Mogicato
Business Analyst

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