My homepage
(Because I'm always forgetting the key stuff)
cd blog
DATE_ISO=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "---
layout: post
title: \"MyTitle\"
date: \"${DATE_ISO}T12:00:00-04:00\"
author: \"Bill Morris\"
cover-img: \"/assets/img/${DATE_ISO}_cover.png\"
tags: [\"tag1\", \"tag2\"]
subtitle: \"Punchy lead-in\"
" > _posts/${DATE_ISO}
Add content to the new file, save the post.
Be sure to add a cover image by using the cover-img:
tag in the metadata header of the post. Add a string with the relative URL of whatever image best suits the post.
When adding footnotes in the markdown syntax ([^note1]
, etc), refer to WorldCat to easily copy Chicago-format citations.
If you've got a bunch of .mp4
files from, say, a Twitter archive, you can convert them all at once to gifs with these parameters:
for m in $(ls *.mp4); do
ffmpeg -itsscale 0.3 \
-i $m \
-vf "fps=5,scale=600:-1:flags=lanczos,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" \
-loop 0 \
jekyll build -d ../shoals
. . . and push the result to github.