- 4
Status of the project?
#117 opened by nguyenhothanhtam0709 - 2
Question: Is MongoDB really a requirement?
#115 opened by sigzero - 1
Learning RPerl: is up for sale?
#114 opened by sigzero - 1
Installer problem (ubuntu/mint)
#113 opened by ibrierley - 3
News on Debian packages
#107 opened by vadimkantorov - 0
- 3
RPerl on OpenBSD
#106 opened by aprokopyev - 0
- 0
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string RPerl/ line 1503
#104 opened by hakonhagland - 21
- 7
- 5
Dockerized image on Docker Hub
#93 opened by symgryph - 57
Implement Operator, Bitwise And CPPOPS_CPPTYPES
#96 opened by wbraswell - 12
- 4
Rand does not work?
#94 opened by SPIDER-L33T - 9
OS X Installation instructions unclear
#90 opened by coke - 1
Create static binaries?
#92 opened by symgryph - 2
Cannot find -lperl on centos install
#91 opened by symgryph - 1
How to install RPerl on Windows?
#89 opened by asb-capfan - 8
cpanm -v RPerl installation
#85 opened by mpapec - 3
Get Yuki Kimoto to join the effort
#84 opened by run4flat - 1
rperl _Inline directories
#78 opened by lbe - 1
Feedback on v 0.115_000
#77 opened by lbe - 0
- 2
Support Compilers Older Than GCC v4.7?
#75 opened by wbraswell - 19
- 8
- 1
Array bounds checks
#76 opened by DemiMarie - 0
- 3
git should ignore Vim-related noise
#42 opened by naptastic - 5
RPerl-1.7 tests fail with perl-5.24
#49 opened by bmwiedemann - 1
Fail to install in local machine
#70 opened by JJ - 1
Instructions for Debian/Ubuntu failing
#69 opened by JJ - 2
- 2
Remove references to (domain gone)
#68 opened by fecundf - 2
t/09_interpret_execute.t empties its candidate file list on win32 and therefore fails
#56 opened by bulk88 - 2
- 1
Test RPerl/Test/Operator05BitwiseNegation/ assumes 64-bit ints
#48 opened by run4flat - 1
- 4
- 2
Mageia Linux OS: Tests Fail
#33 opened by shlomif - 12
Windows 10 OS: Tests Fail
#41 opened by nanis - 6
Most simple module won't compile.
#37 opened by jarich - 2
- 9
Set of Perl supported?
#35 opened by JJ - 1
Improve homepage
#30 opened by asb-capfan - 0
circular dependencies not handled
#32 opened by nowinter - 0
use with comments are misread
#31 opened by nowinter - 1
CPAN Testers: Language de_DE
#26 opened by wbraswell - 4
CPAN Testers: C++ Bizarre Special Characters
#27 opened by wbraswell