Simple Weather Reporter

This tool is a web server that fetches data from OpenWeather and reports on the weather accordingly. Send it a request with the lattitude & longitude of a particular place, and you will receive a simple weather report in return.


  • Go >=1.21

To use, clone this repo, set the env var OPENWEATHER_API_KEY to your API key and run the code:

$ OPENWEATHER_API_KEY=<key> go run main.go

This will lunch a web server that binds to port 8080 by default. This can be overridden with the env var OW_HTTP_PORT.

Requests must be directed to /weather, and query params for lat and long must be provided for lattitude and longitude, respectively, e.g.:

$ curl localhost:8080/weather\?lat=40.7128\&long=-74.0060
The weather in New York is mist, and the temperature is cold.