
Guide authors around the Craft CMS Control Panel with pages, widgets, and Twig snippets.

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Guide 3

Craft CMS is intuitive. Marketing plans and organizational workflows—not so much. Guide lets you create a user manual throughout Craft CMS so clients don‘t need to go far to get the answers they need.

Guide was built to be a CMS manual, but Guide 3 is also a quick way to create widgets and unique Craft CP pages, without the use of a custom module or knowledge of PHP.

Guide 3 for Craft CMS 4

Guide in the Control Panel


  • This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0 or later.


To install the plugin, you can find it in the Craft Plugin Store, or follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

    cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

    composer require wbrowar/guide
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Guide.


  1. Visit the Guide settings page to configure a couple of setup options. The Template Path setting is required for guides to be displayed. The Asset Volume setting is recommended when screenshots and other images are used in your guide content.
  2. Create your guides using the built-in editor or by selecting templates added to your Guide Template Path.
  3. Use the Organizer to place your guides around the Craft CMS Control Panel.


Documenation for Guide and Craft Guide Templates can be found here.


Release notes can be found at CHANGELOG.md

Supported Versions

Here is a general goal for adding and supporting features for Guide going forward:

  • New features for the plugin will be added to the current major plugin version that targets the current released version of Craft CMS.
  • The latest major plugin version that targets the previous released major version of Craft CMS will be supported with bug fixes intruduced in updates to that version of Craft CMS.
  • Previous major plugin versions will only get security-related updates—when necessary.

Brought to you by Will Browar