
Typed .NET clients for stripe.com REST APIs

Primary LanguageC#

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This project contains a .NET v4.5 and .NET Standard 2.0 Library containing a typed .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API, updated to the latest 2018-02-28 Stripe API Version available.

It's used by servicestack.net to process merchant payments and recurring subscriptions online.


  • Small, typed, message-based API uses only clean DTO's and fits in a single StripeGateway.cs
  • Async every Stripe Service can be called via either Sync or Async methods
  • Portable profile available supporting .NET 4.5, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android and Windows Store clients
  • Open-ended, can use custom declarative DTO's defined in your own app to access new APIs
  • Testable, implements the mockable IRestGateway, can return test data with a generic MockRestGateway
  • See Stripe.Tests for more example usages.

Install ServiceStack.Stripe

Install from NuGet with:

PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Stripe

Includes Portable Version (.NET 4.5, iOS, Android + Windows Store)

ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework

To use this library in ASP.NET Core Apps running on the .NET Framework, install the .NET Standard 2.0 only NuGet package instead:

PM> Install-Package ServiceStack.Stripe.Core


Requires a registered Stripe API Key, e.g:

var gateway = new StripeGateway("sk_test_23KlmQohLKD4dfmAvxYESZ2z");

Request DTO's are just clean POCO's with [Route] attributes defined, e.g:

public class GetStripeCustomer : IGet, IReturn<StripeCustomer>
    public string Id { get; set; }

The IGet interface marker indicates which HTTP Method Stripe expects, whilst IReturn<StripeCustomer> indicates what Stripe returns. The gateway uses this type information to provide its typed API, e.g:

StripeCustomer customer = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCustomer { Id = customerId });


StripeCustomer customer = await gateway.GetAsync(new GetStripeCustomer { Id = customerId });

If you prefer, you can use the same gateway.Send() generic method for all messages as it is able to make use of the IVerb interface marker to control which HTTP method is used, e.g.

StripeCustomer customer = gateway.Send(new GetStripeCustomer { Id = customerId });


StripeCustomer customer = await gateway.SendAsync(new GetStripeCustomer { Id = customerId });

Both of these calls translates to the Retrieving a Customer HTTP Request, Example in curl:

curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/customers/cus_3552jPRgtQeRcK \
   -u yDOr26HsxyhpuRB3qbG07qfCmDhqutnA:

Open-Ended, Declarative Message-based APIs

The StripeGateway benefits from an Open Ended message-based API where you're also able to use own Request DTO's to call new Stripe Services that StripeGateway has no knowledge about. E.g. The only custom code required to implement the ChargeStripeCustomer is this single, clean, declarative Request DTO:

public class ChargeStripeCustomer : IPost, IReturn<StripeCharge>
    public int Amount { get; set; }
    public string Currency { get; set; }
    public string Customer { get; set; }
    public string Card { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public bool? Capture { get; set; }
    public int? ApplicationFee { get; set; }

Which contains all the information needed to call the Stripe Service including the /charges relative url, using the POST HTTP method and the typed StripeCharge DTO it returns. To charge a Customer the Request DTO can either use the explicit Post/PostAsync or universal Send/SendAsync StripeGateway methods.


These API examples follows Stripe's API Documentation.


Creating a new charge (charging a credit card)

var charge = gateway.Post(new ChargeStripeCustomer
    Amount = 100,
    Customer = customer.Id,
    Currency = "usd",
    Description = "Test Charge Customer",


var charge = await gateway.PostAsync(new ChargeStripeCustomer
    Amount = 100,
    Customer = customer.Id,
    Currency = "usd",
    Description = "Test Charge Customer",

Retrieving a Charge

var charge = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCharge { ChargeId = charge.Id });

Updating a Charge

var charge = gateway.Post(new UpdateStripeCharge 
    ChargeId = charge.Id,
    Description = "Updated Charge Description"

Refunding a Charge

var refundCharge = gateway.Post(new RefundStripeCharge
    ChargeId = charge.Id,

Capture a charge

var charge = gateway.Post(new ChargeStripeCustomer
    Amount = 100,
    Customer = customer.Id,
    Currency = "usd",
    Description = "Test Charge Customer",
    Capture = false,  //Don't capture the charge immediately

//Can capture charge later with an explicit call
var captureCharge = gateway.Post(new CaptureStripeCharge
    ChargeId = charge.Id,

List all Charges

var charges = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCharges());

List all customer charges

var charges = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCharges
    Customer = customer.Id,


Creating a New Customer

var customer = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeCustomer
    AccountBalance = 10000,
    Card = new StripeCard
        Name = "Test Card",
        Number = "4242424242424242",
        Cvc = "123",
        ExpMonth = 1,
        ExpYear = 2015,
        AddressLine1 = "1 Address Road",
        AddressLine2 = "12345",
        AddressZip = "City",
        AddressState = "NY",
        AddressCountry = "US",
    Description = "Description",
    Email = "test@email.com",

Creating a New Customer with a Card Token

 var cardToken = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeToken {
    Card = new StripeCard
        Name = "Test Card",
        Number = "4242424242424242",
        Cvc = "123",
        ExpMonth = 1,
        ExpYear = 2015,
        AddressLine1 = "1 Address Road",
        AddressLine2 = "12345",
        AddressZip = "City",
        AddressState = "NY",
        AddressCountry = "US",

var customer = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeCustomerWithToken
    AccountBalance = 10000,
    Card = cardToken.Id,
    Description = "Description",
    Email = "test@email.com",

Retrieving a Customer

var customer = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCustomer { Id = customerId });

Updating a Customer

var updatedCustomer = gateway.Post(new UpdateStripeCustomer
    Id = customer.Id,
    Card = new StripeCard
        Id = customer.Cards.Data[0].Id,
        Name = "Updated Test Card",
        Number = "4242424242424242",
        Cvc = "123",
        ExpMonth = 1,
        ExpYear = 2015,
        AddressLine1 = "1 Address Road",
        AddressLine2 = "12345",
        AddressZip = "City",
        AddressState = "NY",
        AddressCountry = "US",
    AccountBalance = 20000,
    Description = "Updated Description",
    Email = "updated@email.com",

Deleting a Customer

var deletedRef = gateway.Delete(new DeleteStripeCustomer { Id = customer.Id });

List all Customers

var customers = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCustomers());


Creating a new card

var card = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeCard
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    Card = new StripeCard
        Name = "Test Card 2",
        Number = "5555555555554444",
        Cvc = "456",
        ExpMonth = 1,
        ExpYear = 2016,
        AddressLine1 = "1 Address Road",
        AddressLine2 = "12345",
        AddressZip = "City",
        AddressState = "NY",
        AddressCountry = "US",

Retrieving a customer's card

var card = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCard
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    CardId = card.Id,

Updating a card

var card = gateway.Post(new UpdateStripeCard
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    CardId = customer.Cards.Data[0].Id,

    Name = "Test Card Updated",

    AddressLine1 = "1 Address Updated",
    AddressLine2 = "45321",
    AddressZip = "City",
    AddressState = "NY",
    AddressCountry = "US",

    ExpMonth = 2,
    ExpYear = 2020,

Deleting cards

var deletedRef = gateway.Delete(new DeleteStripeCard
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    CardId = customer.Cards.Data[0].Id,

Listing cards

var cards = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCards { CustomerId = customer.Id });


Updating the Customer's Active Subscription

var subscription = gateway.Post(new SubscribeStripeCustomer
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    Plan = plan.Id,
    Coupon = coupon.Id,
    Quantity = 1,

Canceling a Customer's Subscription

var cancelled = gateway.Delete(new CancelStripeSubscription
    CustomerId = customer.Id,
    AtPeriodEnd = false,


Creating plans

var plan = gateway.Post(new CreateStripePlan
    Id = "TEST-PLAN-01",
    Amount = 10000,
    Currency = "usd",
    Name = "Test Plan",
    Interval = StripePlanInterval.month,
    IntervalCount = 1,

Retrieving a Plan

var plan = gateway.Get(new GetStripePlan { Id = plan.Id });

Updating a plan

var updatedPlan = gateway.Post(new UpdateStripePlan
    Id = "TEST-PLAN-01",
    Name = "NEW PLAN UPDATED!",

Deleting a plan

var gateway.Delete(new DeleteStripePlan { Id = plan.Id });

List all Plans

var plans = gateway.Get(new GetStripePlans { Count = 20 });


Creating coupons

var coupon = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeCoupon
    Id = "TEST-COUPON-01",
    Duration = StripeCouponDuration.repeating,
    PercentOff = 20,
    Currency = "usd",
    DurationInMonths = 2,
    RedeemBy = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(1),
    MaxRedemptions = 10,

Retrieving a Coupon

var coupon = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCoupon { Id = coupon.Id });

Deleting a coupon

var deletedRef = gateway.Delete(new DeleteStripeCoupon { Id = plan.Id });

List all Coupons

var coupons = gateway.Get(new GetStripeCoupons { Count = 20 });


Deleting a Discount

var deletedRef = gateway.Delete(new DeleteStripeDiscount { CustomerId = customer.Id });


Retrieving an Invoice

var invoice = gateway.Get(new GetStripeInvoice { Id = invoice.Id });

Creating an invoice

var stripeInvoice = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeInvoice
    Customer = customer.Id

Paying an invoice

var paidInvoice = gateway.Post(new PayStripeInvoice
    Id = invoice.Id

Retrieving a List of Invoices

var invoices = gateway.Get(new GetStripeInvoices { Count = 20 });

Get a list of customer invoices

var invoices = gateway.Get(new GetStripeInvoices 
    Customer = customer.Id

Retrieving a Customer's Upcoming Invoice

var upcomingInvoice = gateway.Get(new GetUpcomingStripeInvoice
    Customer = customer.Id,