Mendix Applications: testcafe-template

Supported Mendix controls

    - setTextBox(name, value, { before:'' } = null)
    - setTextArea(name, value, { before:'' } = null)
    - selectRadioButton(name, value)
    - selectDropdown(name, value)
    - selectButton(name)
    - selectListItem(name, index = 1)
    - selectGridItem(name, value)
    - expectEqual(name, value, message = '')

Special considerations

  • name parameter is whatever value is set for the Mx control under Common > Name. No need to add a CSS selected.
  • value parameter is what is shown on the page.
  • Radiobutton value should be the enum value set in the Mx app, not the display value that user sees on the page.
  • LisItem will select the first record in the list if no index was specified. Set the index to select the nth item in the list.
  • Asserts can be set using the expectEqual() and expectContains(). A custom message can be set as optional.


To select an option in a dropdown menu, instead of this

    const _dropdown = Selector('.mx-name-Dropdown_Colour select')
    const _options = _dropdown.find('option')


use this

    await mx.selectDropdown('Dropdown_Colour', 'Green')

To set and test a field value, instead of this

    const _firstName_ = Selector('.mx-name-textBox_name input')
    await t
        .typeText(_firstName_, 'Benny')

use this

    await mx.setTextBox('textBox_name', 'Benny'); 
    await mx.expectEqual('textBox_name', 'Benny');

More documentation coming soon...