Still need to be done:
- more tests,
- Mailer for contact form
Hello WWSI my old friend...
testing specs for Movie: title: string year: integer director: string photo_url: string review: text
- title, year, director, photo_url and review must be present
- year must be > 1900
- review must be > 140
testing specs for User: name: string email: string password: string
- name, email, password must be present
- email must be unique
- email must have valid format
- email must be shorter than 105 characters
- password must be longer than 5 characters
testing specs for Comments user_id: integer commentable_id: integer commentable_type: string grade: integer content: string
- user_id, commentable_type, commentable_id, grade and content must be present
- content must be longer than 40 characters
- Robert Kusmirek
- Wojciech Bucko