
An HTML -> Markdown translator written in Python

Primary LanguagePython

What Is It

Markdownipy is an HTML -> Markdown translator wirtten in Python that uses lxml to parse HTML and a recursive tree traversal to do the translation.

At the moment, Markdownipy is not as complete as other HTML -> Markdown translators, namely Markdownify and html2text. But if you need an HTML -> Markdown translator in Python that handles nested lists, you're in the right place.


To use Markdownipy you will need to have lxml installed.


The fastest way to see Markdownipy in action is the fire up the Python intepretor and import * from run_md, which will create an instance of Markdownipy named t and provide a couple of helper functions.

$ python
>>> from run_md import *
>>> md = fetchAndProcess('http://www.facebook.com/terms.php', '/html/body/div[3]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div',t)
>>> print md

The above will fetch Facebook's Terms of Service and run the main content div through Markdownipy. Since the instance created by run_md has verbose = True, you will see the translation tree print during translation. Once translation is finished, print md will display Facebook's ToS in Markdown.

For convience, a small directory of urls and xpath queries is included in sites_dict.py. Using that directory (named 'sites'), we can fetch and translate Facebook's ToS as follows

$ python
>>> from run_md import *
>>> md = fetchAndProcess(sites['Facebook ToS']['url'], sites['Facebook ToS']['xpath'], t)
>>> print md

To use Markdownipy in a script or program, simply copy Markdownipy.py into your working folder, import the Markdownipy class from the Markdownipy module, create an instance, and call the .translate() method

from Markdownipy import Markdownipy
t = Markdownipy(True, True)
md = t.translate('<div>A div with a <a href="#">link</a>!</div>')

Arguments to the constructor - Markdownipy(tl, verbose) - control list handling and verbosity

  • tl: If True, Markdownipy will translate ul and ol lists into markdown. If false, list markup will be included in the output as its original HTML markup
  • verbose: If True, Markdownipy will print debugging messages, including the translation call tree. It will also save the HTML that results from pre-translation cleaning to a file named clean_html.html


Markdownipy started as the HTML to Markdown translator for FriendlyToS. Website legalese uses lists a lot, and nests them a lot too; so FriendlyToS needs a translator that can handle lists real well. And since the project is in Python, it makes since to have a translator wirtten in Python. Finally, I just really wanted to write a translator. So, that's how Markdownipy got to this point.

The Name and Relationship to Markdownify

Anybody familiar with Markdownify will recognize that the name of this module is an homage to Markdownify. Markdownipy is not a Python port of Markdownify - I didn't find Markdownify until I had already written quite a bit of Markdownipy. But they work in basically the same way - recursive translation of a parse tree. So when it came time to name this translator I figured it makes since to name it after a translator that works in a similar way.