
A publically visible archive of my past work. Nothing is guaranteed to work or be current.

Primary LanguagePHP


Celebrity Bar Fight - a gag site my friend David Daedalus and I thought up in 2008 after spending coutless hours in the bar asking our fellow patrons "hey, who do you think would win in a bar fight, Sean Connery or William Shatner?" David currated the fictitious fights, and I coded the site.

This project was as much about learning web development as it was making a fun site, and might be the most coding I have done for a single project (basically everything that isn't a generated class or in boris/vendor/). Things you will find in here include:

  • A crude, self-written model-view-controller framework (Boris) that uses Propel, Flexy, and does some error handling;
  • A weighted ad display system;
  • An administration panel for managing users, banning users, managing advertisments, and adding/removing fights
  • Some circa 2009 ajax and other frustrating-to-look-at Javascript

pics/ is where pictures of fight contestants lives, but I'm not committing those because that seems like a waste of repo space.


A project I worked on while an intern at the Berkman Center that is a mix of PHP, Perl, Javascript, and a tiny bit of Python. There were a three phases in the development of TermsWatch

  • Importing the EFF's TOSBack into symfony
  • Writing a Perl website scrapper that scrapped on xpath queries
  • Writing Javascript that allows a user to easily select a DOM element for the scarper (and injecting the JS through a perl proxy).
  • Modifying the BTE algorithm