
Building Collibra DGC images using Vagrant / Packer

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Building Collibra DGC images using Vagrant / Packer

Using vagrant to build a DGC Box


There are a number of components needed to get this to work

  1. VirtualBox (Available at https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
  2. Vagrant (Installation instructions at: https://www.vagrantup.com/intro/getting-started/install.html)
  3. Collibra DGC installer (To be downloaded here: dgc-linux-5.5.1-FINAL.sh )
  4. The contents of this repository (Download release)


After VirtualBox and Vagrant have been installed and downloaded start a command prompt and type

vagrant version

This should return the version information op vagrant (version 2.2.0 as of this writing). Now we need to create a directory to store the vagrant files in. Create a directory, enter that directory and perform the vagrant initialisation.

mkdir vagrant-dgc
cd vagrant-dgc
vagrant init

Now we need to add the following contents from the release-zip file this directory

  • Vagrantfile
  • collibra-config.json

The collibra-config.json contains a number of settings for setting up the Collibra instance.

Finally place the Collibra installer (dgc-linux-5.5.1-FINAL.sh) in that same directory and start the VM build process by issueing the vagrant up command. The builder will following the instructions in the Vagrantfile to build the VM. This VM uses a CentOS 7 base image. When this image is not yet available to Vagrant it will download it from its repository. Depending on you internet bandwidth this will take a few minutes. Once the process is completed there will be a line stating:

COMPLETED - Installation finished in ...ms.

You now have a running DGC VM that can be accessed through Vagrant by issueing the command

vagrant ssh

Using packer to build an AWS AMI


There are a number of components needed to get this to work

  1. Packer installation instructions at: https://www.vagrantup.com/intro/getting-started/install.html)
  2. Collibra DGC installer (To be downloaded here: dgc-linux-5.5.1-FINAL.sh )
  3. The contents of this repository (Download release)


Check the version of packer using:

packer version

This should return the version information (version 1.4.0 as of this writing). ow we need to create a directory to store the packer files in. We use git to fetch the contents and create the directore

git clone https://github.com/wbvreeuwijk/vagrant-dgc.git
cd vagrant-dgc

Now we need to download the Collibra installer from the Collibra community and put it in the vagrant-dgc directory. You can download the Linux installer here: https://community.collibra.com/downloads/ . CLick on the most recent version and select the main product installer for Linux (dgc-linux-5.5.2-HOTFIX4.sh) and put this file in the vagrant-dgc directory.

Before we can start building the AMI we need the AWS Access Key and the AWS Secret Key (Read all about obtaining a AWS key-pair here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-key-pairs.html)

Now we can start building the AMI using the following command:

packer build \
    -var 'aws_access_key=<AWS Access Key>' \
    -var 'aws_secret_key=<AWS Secret Key>'  \
    -var 'aws_region=<AWS Region>' \
    -var 'dgc_version=<DGC Version>' \


packer build \
    -var 'aws_access_key=XXXXXXXXXXX' \
    -var 'aws_secret_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'  \
    -var 'aws_region=eu-central-1' \
    -var 'dgc_version=5.5.2-HOTFIX4' \