
Zadania do wykładu Języki Programowania

Primary LanguageC

Środowisko Programisty

Gem zawierający zadania do wykładu „Języki Programowania”.

Zobacz też:

Quotes from the above.

Developing gem: „Do not check your Gemfile.lock into version control since it enforces precision that does not exist in the gem command, which is used to install gems in practice.”

Developing app: „Check in your Gemfile.lock, since you will use the bundler tool across all machines, and the precision enforced by bundler is extremely desirable for applications.”


Wykonać polecenie:

gem install c-exercises


Sprawdzamy gdzie w systemie został zainstalowany gem c-exercises:

gem which c-exercises

Aplikację uruchamiamy w taki sposób:

rackup /«ścieżka do katalogu z gemem»/lib/config.ru -p «numer portu»

Na przykład:

rackup rackup /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/c-exercises- -p 8098

Po uruchomieniu aplikacja jest dostępna z URL:



Lista języków:

cd coderay/coderay/scanners
egrep register_for *

egrep register_for *
clojure.rb:      register_for :clojure
cpp.rb:    register_for :cpp
c.rb:    register_for :c
css.rb:    register_for :css
debug.rb:    register_for :debug
delphi.rb:    register_for :delphi
diff.rb:    register_for :diff
groovy.rb:    register_for :groovy
html.rb:    register_for :html
java.rb:    register_for :java
java_script.rb:    register_for :java_script
json.rb:    register_for :json
nitro_xhtml.rb:    register_for :nitro_xhtml
php.rb:    register_for :php
python.rb:    register_for :python
raydebug.rb:    register_for :raydebug
rhtml.rb:    register_for :rhtml
ruby.rb:    register_for :ruby
scheme.rb:      register_for :scheme
sql.rb:    register_for :sql
text.rb:      register_for :text
xml.rb:    register_for :xml
yaml.rb:    register_for :yaml

Aliasy z pliku _map.rb:

map \
  :cplusplus => :cpp,
  :'c++' => :cpp,
  :ecmascript => :java_script,
  :ecma_script => :java_script,
  :irb => :ruby,
  :javascript => :java_script,
  :js => :java_script,
  :nitro => :nitro_xhtml,
  :pascal => :delphi,
  :patch => :diff,
  :plain => :text,
  :plaintext => :text,
  :xhtml => :html,
  :yml => :yaml

default :text