Download test assets, managing them outside of git.
Changes from being a fork of test-assets:
- Use rust library
and avoid compiling curl for test binaries - Includes backoff support
Compiler support: requires rustc 1.74.1+
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
test-assets-ureq = "0.5.0"
For example, add the following information into the project toml
filename = "out.squashfs"
hash = "976c1638d8c1ba8014de6c64b196cbd70a5acf031be10a8e7f649536193c8e78"
url = ""
In your rust code, add the following to download using that previous file.
let file_content = fs::read_to_string("test.toml").unwrap();
let parsed: TestAsset = toml::de::from_str(&file_content).unwrap();
let assets = parsed.values();
dl_test_files_backoff(&assets, "test-assets", true, Duration::from_secs(1)).unwrap();
If test-assets are needed outside of the Rust code, a binary is provided to download them.
$ curl -L -o dl.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf dl.tar.gz
$ ./dl test-assets.toml