
OpenCFP is used for WordCamp Asia 2020 Speaker Applications

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This is OpenCFP setup for WordCamp Asia 2020

Updating This Site

Most updates are performed via direct code changes. Once changes are done, run followin commad on the server from:

cd /var/www/speak.wpasia.org/htdocs &&
composer run update-env

Clearing cache

cd /var/www/speak.wpasia.org/htdocs &&
bin/console cache:clear

Development Setup

Setup a local PHP enviornemt with a mysql database and configure web server following instructions in original OpenCFP readme here.

Using EasyEngine

Create Site

Create a site with PHP and MySQL. Also switch it's public dir to web subdir inside htdocs using following command:

ee site create opencfp --mysql --public-dir=web

PDO Support

OpenCFP rquires PDO extension.

ee shell opencfp.test --command='docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql' --user=root

Development environment bug fix

There is a bug in OpenCFP because of which even default development environment choice is not respected when accessing application via browser.

Open ~//easyengine/sites/opencfp.test/config/nginx/conf.d/main.conf

In location ~ \.php$ { block, add following line after try_files line:

fastcgi_param CFP_ENV development;

Save changed and run follwing to restart nginx:

ee site restart opencfp.test --nginx

Clone git repo

Fork this repo and clone forked repo into correct folder.

Change repo path in follwing code. Don't forget to switch to wcasia branch.

cd ~/easyengine/sites/opencfp.test
rm -rf htdocs
git clone git@github.com:wcasia/opencfp.git htdocs
git checkout wcasia

OpenCFP config file

Use sample config file to set development config

cp config/development.yml.dist config/development.yml

Edit config/development.yml with database info.

You can use ee site info opencfp.test to find database credentials created for this site.

Run Setup

Next, run OpenCFP installer script to finish setup

composer run setup-env


If you need PhpMyAdmin or Mailhog to debug stuff:

ee admin-tools enable opencfp.test
ee mailhog enable opencfp.test

You may need mailhog to access signup confirmation email in dev enviornment.

Mailhog url: http://opencfp.test/ee-admin/mailhog/

To get HTTP Auth i.e. username & password, please use:

ee auth list global