
A simple graphical tool to specify manual point-to-point correspondences between two images.

Primary LanguagePython


To work on my mac I had to pip install wxPython and run with the following command: pythonw correspondence_tool.py path_to_image1/image1png path_to_image2/image2.png output.txt

MISSING: -outputting the correspondence in a format needed for our testing -More than two images to correspond -Zoom

Image Correspondences

A simple graphical tool to specify manual point-to-point correspondences between two images.

python correpsondence_tool.py IMAGE1 IMAGE2 OUTPUT

Screenshot of correspondence UI

Key Binding
s Save correpsondences to output file
q Save correspondences to output file and exit
c Clear all correspondences
h Show/hide fitted homography (requires at least four points)

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