
This is a socket-io stress test tools allowing you to make socket-io calls to server with number of call and call delay options.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Socket.io Stress Test Tool

####This is a simple socket client and server tool allowing you to stress test a socket server. For example if you have a client connecting to a remote socket.io server simultaneously and with large amount of call (10K+), this tool allow you to get each callback time in ms.

###Setup Socket Client Instructions

  1. npm install
  2. Configure socket_client.conf
    "clientIP": "localhost",                     //Setup your client server IP, no need to change
    "serverIP": "localhost",                     //Socket.io Server IP
    "serverPort": 7027,                          //Socket.io Server Port
    "reconnectAttempt": 3,                       //Socket reconnect attempt
    "reconnectDelay": 1000,                      //Reconnect intervel in milliseconds
    "numberOfCalls": 100,                        //How many call?
    "callDelay": 0,                              //Set delay in between calls
    "countdown": 3,                              //Countdown seconds, set to 0 to start the test immediately
    "countdownInterval": 1000,                   //Countdown per second, leave as is
    "eventName": "test-event",                   //Change to the exact event name
    "requestMessage": "{'message':'test'}",      //Request message
    "showResponse": true                         //Print response message (true / false)
  1. Start test: node socket_client.js

###Setup Socket Server Instructions (Optional)

  1. Configure socket_server.conf
  "serverIP": "localhost",                        //Setup Socket.io Server IP
  "serverPort": 7027,                             //Server Port
  "callbackTimeout" : 30,                         //Timeout in response, set to 0 if no delay is needed
  "eventName": "test-event",                      //Set event name
  "responseMessage": "{'data':'Responded Data'}", //Response message
  "showResponse": true                            //Print response message (true / false)
  1. Start test: node socket_server.js