
Webpack plugin that allows to configure path or URL for fetching dynamic imports

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm version CircleCI


Webpack plugin that allows to configure the path / URL for fetching dynamic imports

  • Compatible with webpack 4, 3, 2
  • Lightweight
  • No dependencies
  • Tested
  • Production-ready

Why is it helpful?

Webpack allows to atomatically split code using require.ensure or dynamic import import(). The modules are organized into chunks automatically and extracted from your main bundle. Those chunks are fetched on-demand when your main bundle is run.

The chunks are loaded from a static URL which is determined by config.output.publicPath entry of webpack configuration.

Sometimes the URL for loading chunks needs to be changed, for example:

  • Chunks are hosted at a CDN
  • Different environments use different URLs for loading assets (production, staging, qa)
  • Your index file is served from a different location / port
  • You need to dynamically load pre-compiled files from a different location

How to use

// webpack.config.js
const WebpackRequireFrom = require('webpack-require-from')
const webpackRequireFromConfig = {
  // see configuration options below
module.exports = {
    output: {
      publicPath: '/webpack/'
    plugins: [
      new WebpackRequireFrom(webpackRequireFromConfig)


If no options provided, the default config.output.publicPath will be used.


Set path for dynamically loading modules. The value you provide will replace config.output.publicPath when dynamically importing chunks.

For example, if default URL is https://localhost, chunk name is 0.js and options object is {path: "customPath/" }, the chunk will be fetched from https://localhost/customPath/0.js

NOTE path and methodName are mutualy exclusive and cannot be used together


Name of the globaly defined method that will be invoked at runtime, the method should return a path / URL that will be used for dynamically importing of chunks.

For example, if default URL is https://localhost, chunk name is 0.js and options object is {methodName: "getChunkURL" }, while window.getChunkURL is defined to be:

window.getChunkURL = function () {
  if (true) { // use any condition to choose the URL
    return 'https://app.cdn.com/buildXXX/'

the chunk will be fetched from https://app.cdn.com/buildXXX/0.js

If used together with replaceSrcMethodName, chunks URL will be first modified by window[methodName] and then, the modified values are passed as an argument to window[replaceSrcMethodName] function.

NOTE path and methodName are mutualy exclusive and cannot be used together

NOTE that the method should be defined in a global namespace and should be defined before require.ensure or import() is invoked. See examples below


Name of the globaly defined method that will be invoked at runtime; the method receives the full URL of the dynamically required chunk as its argument and should return a string with the new URL.

For example, if default URL is https://localhost, chunk names are 0.js and common.js, options object is {replaceSrcMethodName: "replaceSrc" }, while window.replaceSrc is defined to be:

window.replaceSrc = function (originalSrc) {
  if (originalSrc.match(/common/)) {
    // rename specific chunk
    return originalSrc.replace(/common/, 'static');
  return originalSrc;

the chunks will be fetched from https://localhost/0.js and https://localhost/static.js

If used together with methodName, chunks URL will be first modified by window[methodName] and then, the modified values are passed as an argument to window[replaceSrcMethodName] function.

NOTE that the method should be defined in a global namespace and should be defined before require.ensure or import() is invoked.

Defining gobaly available methods

When your JS code is executed in browser, the methods whose names you mention as methodName or replaceSrcMethodName value, should be set before the first call to require.ensure() or import() is executed.

The return value of the methods will be used to build the URL for fetching resources.

For example, let's define veryFirst method to be globally available before you main bundle is being executed.

Add the method definition at the very first line of you bundle:

const window.veryFirst = function () {
 console.log("I am very first!");

You can use a separate file and use webpack's entry point list:

// filename: veryFirst.js
const window.veryFirst = function () {
 console.log("I am very first!");

// file webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
  entry: {
    ['./veryFirst.js', './index.js']

Another approach is to define veryFirst as part of index.html when building it on your server:

// filename: server/app.js
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.render('views/index', {
  cdnPath: 'https://qa.cdn.com/|https://prod.cdn.com/'
<!-- filename: views/index.ejs -->
  const baseCDN = "<%= cdnPath %>";
  window.veryFirst = function () {


${methodName} is not a function or not available at runtime.

  • Make sure your method name in webpack.config.js matches the method name you define on global window object.

  • Make sure the method is defined before the very first invocation of either require.ensure() or import()

Specify either "methodName" or "path", not together.

  • path and methodName are mutualy exclusive and cannot be used together, use either of them

'${methodName}' does not return string.

  • when using replaceSrcMethodName options the result of invoking window[replaceSrcMethodName] is validated - it should be defined and be a string

  • make sure you return a string value from window[replaceSrcMethodName]

Don't hesitate to open issues.


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