
Fortran Timing Routines

Primary LanguageFortranMIT LicenseMIT


Basic timing routines for Fortran programs. As far as I can tell, all of the code is F2003 compliant.

Typical Usage

An example is provided in main.f90 in this repository but the basic outline follows.

program main
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stdout=>output_unit
use ftime

call ftime_init()

call ftime_start('my_timer')
! ... do something ...
call ftime_stop('my_timer')

call ftime_print(stdout)
call ftime_cleanup()

endprogram main

Available Subroutines and Functions

The source code in mod_ftime.f90 contains Doxygen style comments. Here is also a brief description. NOTE that all subroutines and function accept an optional error output parameter that will return a nonzero error code if an error is encountered.

  • ftime_init Optional. Stores the clock count rate but this will also be evaluated later if necessary.
  • ftime_start Start a timer. Accepts a string as a timer name.
  • ftime_stop Stop a timer. Accepts a string as a timer name.
  • ftime_time Function. Returns the elapsed time (in seconds) on a given timer. Note: does not stop a running timer.
  • ftime_print Stops all timers and prints elapsed time (in seconds).
  • ftime_cleanup Optional. Deallocates used memory.


The code here is F2003 compliant and can should be usable with any standard-compliant compiler. Included in this repository is a Makefile and an example program in main.f90. The example can be compiled and ran with the following:

make && ./main.x

or in "debug-mode" with

METHOD=dbg make && ./main.x