
This repository hosts multiple challenges and gives away prizes for submitting solutions to the hosted challenges.


This repository hosts multiple challenges and gives away prizes for submitting solutions to the hosted challenges.

What is this?

  • A challenge series to encourage COLLEGE STUDENTS to solve problems using computers.
  • Every week a challenge will be posted here and prizes for the challenge would be declared. Here's link to Challenge_1
  • All of the challenges would be posting some problem statements that could be solved using a computer.
  • Writing a novel computer program or using existing tools is okay to deliver the solution.

Deliberately challenges WILL NOT BE WELL DEFINED.

Only the challenge statement and details around the expected solution to it would be posted.

  • Challenge statement
  • Expected solution
  • Challenge due DateTime
  • Prizes

The following things will be left for participants to think and do on their own. e.g

  • Formulation of the problem.
  • Input and output format or user interaction in general.

How to submit a solution?

  1. For each challenge an issue would be created in this repository, it would be having details of the challenge statement and expected solution.
  2. The created issue is to be used as a forum for the challenge and also track a challenge's state.
  3. Read and understand the requirements of the challenge.
  4. Formulate a problem on your own and come up with a working solution for it.
  5. Corresponding to the challenge a directory will also be created in this repository, e.g /Challenge_1.
  6. Participants are expected to submit a solution and everything related to the solution as a subdirectory of the challenge directory.
    The subdirectory should be named as the GitHub username of the participant. e.g /Challenge_1/moghya/solution.md. Participants can add as many files as they want to the subdirectory to explain the approach taken to solve the problem.
  7. Once the participant solves the problem, the participant needs to create a pull request for the addition of the subdirectory to the challenge directory.

How are solutions graded?

  1. Post completion of the challenge, organizers will be judging each PR raised until the challenge due DateTime.
  2. Each PR will be provided with detailed comments on the solutions submitted.
  3. After 48-72 hours of challenge due DateTime, prize winners will be announced and contacted.

How will be the prizes delivered?

  1. Pull requests have a format to get sufficient details of participants to ensure regulation of participation of college students only.
  2. Details such as email id will be used for communication and verification purposes.
  3. Within 2 weeks of completion of the challenge, winners will be provided with the specified prizes.

I want to participate, what is the requirement?

  1. This challenge series is currently for college students only.
    If you're enrolled for any full-time course at a university/college, you're eligible to participate in this challenge series.
  2. There are NO PARTICIPATION FEES for these challenges, you just need to be able to access this repository and start participating.

I'm not a college student, how can I be part of this?

  1. This is a completely non-profit initiative.
  2. A bunch of change agents want students to learn and grow; for this sole purpose, the change agents are ready to devote time and money.
  3. You can be the part of this initiative as a volunteer.
  4. The following are some of the tasks that volunteers can take up:
  • Challenge creation.
  • Grading of solutions submitted.
  • Moderation of challenge forum.
  • Raising funds for the challenge prizes.
  • Raising awareness about this initiative.
  1. To be a volunteer, please reach us at wcecodepals@gmail.com.