LazyRecord is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) for PHP5.
It allows you to access your database very easily by using ActiveRecord pattern API.
LazyRecord uses code generator to generate static code, which reduces runtime costs, therefore it's pretty lightweight and fast.
LazyRecord is not like PropelORM, it doesn't use ugly XML as its schema or config file, LazyRecord uses simpler YAML format config file and it compiles YAML to pure PHP code to improve the performance of config loading.
LazyRecord also has a simpler schema design, you can define your model schema very easily and you can even embed closure in your schema classes.
Function calls in PHP are very slow, so we bulid the model schema data statically, convert all definitions (default value, validator, filter, valid value builder) into classes and static PHP array, this keeps these model classes very lightweight and fast.
In the runtime, all the same model objects use the same schema object, and we can reuse the prebuild data from the static schema class.
We keep base model class constructor empty, so when you are querying data from database, these model objects can be created very quickly without extra costs.
- Fast
- Simple, Lightweight Pure PHP Model Schema (No XML)
- PDO, MySQL, Pgsql, SQLite support.
- Multiple data source support.
- Mix-in model support.
- Migration support. upgrade, downgrade, upgrade from schema diff.
- Schema/Database diff
- PHP 5.3 or upper.
PHP Extensions
- yaml extension
- pdo
- mysql, pgsql or sqlite
Install from composer:
"require": {
"corneltek/lazyrecord": "1.9.*"
Download the lazyrecord command-line binary:
$ curl -O
$ chmod +x lazy
$ mv lazy /usr/bin
Change directory to your project, run init
command to initialize
your database settings.
$ mkdir myapp
$ cd myapp
$ lazy init
Database driver [sqlite] [sqlite/pgsql/mysql/] sqlite
Database name [:memory:] test
Then edit your config file:
$ vim db/config/database.yml
Suppose your application code is located in src/
then you should provide your schema path in following format:
- vendor/autoload.php # load the classloader from composer.
auto_id: 1
- src/ # where you store the schema class files.
dsn: 'sqlite:test'
In the above config file, the auto_id
means an id column with auto-increment
integer primary key is automatically inserted into every schema class, so you
don't need to declare an primary key id column in your every schema file.
Next, write your model schema file:
$ vim src/YourApp/Model/UserSchema.php
Put the content into your file:
namespace YourApp\Model;
use LazyRecord\Schema;
class UserSchema extends Schema
public function schema()
Then run build-schema
command to build static schema files:
$ lazy build-schema
Finding schemas...
Found schema classes
Initializing schema generator...
YourApp\Model\UserSchemaProxy => src/YourApp/Model/UserSchemaProxy.php
YourApp\Model\UserCollectionBase => src/YourApp/Model/UserCollectionBase.php
YourApp\Model\UserCollection => src/YourApp/Model/UserCollection.php
YourApp\Model\UserBase => src/YourApp/Model/UserBase.php
YourApp\Model\User => src/YourApp/Model/User.php
If you are using postgresql or mysql, you can create your database with
$ lazy create-db
Now you need to build SQL schema into your database, simply run build-sql
is for debug mode, which prints all generated SQL statements:
$ lazy -d build-sql
Finding schema classes...
Initialize schema builder...
Building SQL for YourApp\Model\UserSchema
account varchar(16),
password varchar(40)
Setting migration timestamp to 1347439779
Done. 1 schema tables were generated into data source 'default'.
Now you can write your application code, But first you need to write your lazyrecord config loader code:
$ vim app.php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new LazyRecord\ConfigLoader;
$config->load( __DIR__ . '/db/config/database.yml');
The init
method initializes data sources to ConnectionManager, but it won't
create connection unless you need to operate your models.
Now append your application code to the end of app.php
$user = new YourApp\Model\User;
$ret = $user->create(array('account' => 'guest', 'password' => '123123' ));
if( ! $ret->success ) {
echo $ret->message; // get the error message
if ($ret->exception) {
echo $ret->exception; // get the exception object
echo $ret; // __toString() is supported
Please check doc/
directory for more details.
LazyRecord's BaseModel class provides a simple way to retrieve result data from the __get
magic method,
by using the magic method, you can retrieve the column value and objects from relationship.
$record = new MyApp\Model\User( 1 ); // select * from users where id = 1;
$record->name; // get "" and inflate it.
The __get
method is dispatching to get
method, if you don't want to use the magic method,
The magic method calls value inflator, which can help you inflate values like DateTime objects, it might be slower, if you want performance, you can simply do:
BaseModel also supports iterating, so you can iterate the data values with foreach:
foreach( $record as $column => $rawValue ) {
To create a model record:
$author = new Author;
$ret = $author->create(array(
'name' => 'Foo'
if ( $ret->success ) {
echo 'created';
To find record:
$ret = $author->find(123);
$ret = $author->find(array( 'foo' => 'Name' ));
if ( $ret->success ) {
} else {
// handle $ret->exception or $ret->message
To find record with (static):
$record = Author::load(array( 'name' => 'Foo' ));
To find record with primary key:
$record = Author::load( 1 );
To update record:
'name' => 'Author',
To update record (static):
$ret = Author::update( array( 'name' => 'Author' ) )
if( $ret->success ) {
echo $ret->message;
else {
// pretty print error message, exception and validation errors for console
echo $ret;
$e = $ret->exception; // get exception
$validations = $ret->validations; // get validation results
To create a collection object:
$authors = new AuthorCollection;
To make a query (the Query syntax is powered by SQLBuilder):
->equal( 'id' , 'foo' )
->like( 'content' , '%foo%' )
Or you can do:
'name' => 'foo'
$authors = new AuthorCollection;
foreach( $authors as $author ) {
echo $author->name;
Simply extend class from LazyRecord\Schema
, and define your model columns
in the schema
method, e.g.,
namespace tests;
use LazyRecord\Schema;
class BookSchema extends Schema
function schema()
$this->belongsTo('created_by', 'tests\UserSchema','id', 'created_by');
* column: author => Author class
* $book->publisher->name;
$this->belongsTo('publisher','\tests\PublisherSchema', 'id', 'publisher_id');
* accessor , mapping => BookAuthors.book_id
* link book => author_books
$this->many('book_authors', '\tests\AuthorBookSchema', 'book_id', 'id');
* get
$this->manyToMany( 'authors', 'book_authors', 'author' )
->filter(function($collection) { return $collection; });
$this->column('name') ->boolean();
Write your validator as a closure, here comes the simplest sample code:
->validator(function($val) {
if ( in_array($val,'foo','bar')) {
return array(true, "OK");
return array(false,"Not a valid value.");
If you need, you may also get the arguments and the current record object:
->validator(function($val, $args, $record) {
if ( in_array($val,'foo','bar')) {
return array(true, "OK");
return array(false,"Not a valid value.");
If you are using ValidationKit, we can pass the validator class name:
Inflator and Deflator are used in some situation like "read a timestamp and construct a DateTime object with the raw value", Or "convert a DateTime object into a string that is acceptable for database"
LazyRecord provides some built-in inflators and deflators, e.g., timestamp columns:
So that when you are retrieving "created_on" from record object, you get a DateTime
You can also define your own deflator or inflator, for example:
->inflator(function($val) {
return unserialize($val);
->deflator(function($val) {
return serialize($val);
The above code does unserialize/serialize automatically when you're trying to update/create the record object.
->default( array('current_timestamp') ) // raw sql string
->default(function() {
return date('c');
Defining ValidValues with label
->validValues( array( 'label' => 'value' ) );
->filter( function($val) {
return preg_replace('#word#','zz',$val);
Simply define mixin in your model schema method:
The Mixin Schema Class, e.g., MetadataSchema:
namespace LazyRecord\Schema\Mixin;
use LazyRecord\Schema\MixinSchemaDeclare;
class MetadataSchema extends MixinSchemaDeclare
public function schema()
->default(function() {
return date('c');
->default(function() {
return date('c');
namespace LazyRecord\Schema\Mixin;
use LazyRecord\Schema\MixinSchemaDeclare;
class MetadataSchema extends MixinSchemaDeclare
public function schema()
// ... define your schema here
public function fooMethod($record, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4)
// ...
return ...;
Then you can use the fooMethod
on your model object:
$record = new FooModal;
$result = $record->fooMethod(1,2,3,4);
belongsTo(accessor_name, foreign_schema_class_name, foreign_schema_column_name, self_column_name = 'id')
$this->belongsTo( 'author' , '\tests\AuthorSchema', 'id' , 'author_id' );
$this->belongsTo( 'address' , '\tests\AddressSchema', 'address_id' );
one(accessor_name, self_column_name, foreign_schema_class_name, foreign_schema_column_name)
$this->one( 'author', 'author_id', '\tests\AuthorSchema' , 'id' );
many(accessor_name, foreign_schema_class_name, foreign_schema_column_name, self_column_name )
$this->many( 'addresses', '\tests\AddressSchema', 'author_id', 'id');
$this->many( 'author_books', '\tests\AuthorBookSchema', 'author_id', 'id');
To define many to many relationship:
$this->manyToMany( 'books', 'author_books' , 'book' );
// has many
$address = $author->addresses->create(array(
'address' => 'farfaraway'
// create related address
$author->addresses[] = array( 'address' => 'Harvard' );
$addresses = $author->addresses->items();
is( 'Harvard' , $addresses[0]->address );
foreach( $author->addresses as $address ) {
echo $address->address , "\n";
If you want to do something after the schmea is created into a database, you can define a
method in your schema class:
namespace User;
class UserSchema extends LazyRecord\Schema {
public function schema() {
// ...
public function bootstrap($model) {
// do something you want
The bootstrap method is triggerd when you run:
lazy build-sql
You can define specific data source for different model in the model schema:
use LazyRecord\Schema;
class UserSchema extends Schema {
public function schema() {
Or you can specify for both (read and write):
use LazyRecord\Schema;
class UserSchema extends Schema {
public function schema() {
The basedata seed script is executed after you run build-sql
, which means
all of your tables are ready in the database.
To define a basedata seed script:
namespace User;
class Seed {
public static function seed() {
Then update your config file by adding the class name of the data seed class:
- User\Seed
- System\Seed
- System\TestingSeed
If you need to modify schema code, like adding new columns to a table, you can use the amazing migration feature to migrate your database to the latest change without pain.
Once you modified the schema code, you can execute lazy diff
command to compare
current exisiting database table:
$ lazy diff
+ table 'authors' tests/schema/tests/Author.php
+ table 'addresses' tests/schema/tests/Address.php
+ table 'author_books' tests/schema/tests/AuthorBook.php
+ table 'books' tests/schema/tests/Book.php
+ table 'users' tests/schema/tests/User.php
+ table 'publishers' tests/schema/tests/Publisher.php
+ table 'names' tests/schema/tests/Name.php
+ table 'wines' tests/schema/tests/Wine.php
As you can see, we added a lot of new tables (schemas), and LazyRecord parses the database tables to show you the difference to let you know current status.
Currently LazyRecord supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL table parsing.
now you can generate the migration script or upgrade database schema directly.
to upgrade database schema directly, you can simply run:
$ lazy migrate -U
to upgrade database schema through a customizable migration script, you can generate a new migration script like:
$ lazy migrate --diff AddUserRoleColumn
Loading schema objects...
Creating migration script from diff
Found 10 schemas to compare.
Found schema 'tests\AuthorSchema' to be imported to 'authors'
Found schema 'tests\AddressSchema' to be imported to 'addresses'
Found schema 'tests\AuthorBookSchema' to be imported to 'author_books'
Found schema 'tests\BookSchema' to be imported to 'books'
Found schema 'tests\UserSchema' to be imported to 'users'
Found schema 'tests\PublisherSchema' to be imported to 'publishers'
Found schema 'tests\NameSchema' to be imported to 'names'
Found schema 'tests\Wine' to be imported to 'wines'
Migration script is generated: db/migrations/20120912_AddUserRoleColumn.php
now you can edit your migration script, which is auto-generated:
vim db/migrations/20120912_AddUserRoleColumn.php
the migration script looks like:
class AddUserColumn_1347451491 extends \LazyRecord\Migration\Migration {
public function upgrade() {
$this->importSchema(new tests\AuthorSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\AddressSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\AuthorBookSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\BookSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\UserSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\PublisherSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\EdmSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\NameSchema);
$this->importSchema(new tests\IDNumber);
$this->importSchema(new tests\Wine);
public function downgrade() {
The built-in migration generator not only generates the upgrade script, but also generates the downgrade script, you can modify it to anything as you want.
After the migration script is generated, you can check the status of current database and waiting migration scripts:
$ lazy migrate --status
Found 1 migration script to be executed.
- AddUserColumn_1347451491
now you can run upgrade command to upgrade database schema through the migration script:
$ lazy migrate --up
If you regret, you can run downgrade migrations through the command:
$ lazy migrate --down
But please note that SQLite doesn't support column renaming and column dropping.
To see what migration script could do, please check the documentation of SQLBuilder package.
$driver = LazyRecord\QueryDriver::getInstance('data_source_id');
use LazyRecord\Schema;
class AuthorSchema extends Schema
function schema()
->validator(function($val) { .... })
->filter( function($val) {
return preg_replace('#word#','zz',$val);
->inflator(function($val) {
return unserialize($val);
->deflator(function($val) {
return serialize($val);
->validValues( 1,2,3,4,5 )
->default(function() {
return date('c');
For the detailed content, please take a look at the doc/
Everybody can contribute to LazyRecord. You can just fork it, and send Pull Requests.
You have to follow PSR Coding Standards and provides unit tests as much as possible.
Use Composer to install the dependency:
composer install --dev
To deploy a testing environment, you need to install dependent packages.
Run script and make sure everything is fine:
php bin/lazy
Database configuration is written in phpunit.xml
file, the
following steps are based on the default configuration. you may also take a look at .travis.yml
for example.
To test with mysql database:
$ mysql -uroot -p
> create database testing charset utf8;
> grant all privileges on testing.* to 'testing'@'localhost' identified by 'testing';
To test with pgsql database:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt testing
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -E=utf8 --owner=testing testing
$ phpunit
To test sql builder from command-line, please copy the default testing config
$ cp db/config/database.testing.yml db/config/database.yml
Build config
$ php bin/lazy build-conf db/config/database.yml
Build Schema files
$ php bin/lazy build-schema
We've already defined 3 data sources, they were named as 'mysql', 'pgsql', 'sqlite' , now you can insert schema sqls into these data sources:
$ php bin/lazy build-sql --rebuild -D=mysql
$ php bin/lazy build-sql --rebuild -D=pgsql
$ php bin/lazy build-sql --rebuild -D=sqlite
$ scripts/run-xhprof
$ phpunit -c phpunit-xhprof.xml
$ cd xhprof_html
$ php -S localhost:8888
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