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Dev Setup



Install Xcode

$ xcode-select --install

Automatic setup

Pre-install step

zshenv file is required on the user root folder to change the default paths before running the installation script

[Pending to add steps and split the installa]

Restart terminal to get zshenv file applied

Install step

Run script on the installation folder

$ cd installation
$ chmod +x
$ ./install

We need all the symlinks and configuration to be loaded on a new terminal. You can also reload configs manually or logout/login session.


SSH keys were moved to 1password and sinin commits is now using ssh instead of GPG. SSH keys needs to be added on github account as Authentication Keys and Signing keys

Terminal ANSI Colors and Config

  • MesloLGS NF Bold 12pt.

  • Foreground Color: #C7C7C7 #C7C7C7

  • Background Color: #282D35 #F03C15

  • Selection Color: #C1DDFF #C1DDFF

  • Selected Text Color: #000000 #000000

  • Badge Color: #FF2600 #FF2600

  • Tab Color: Disabled

  • Underline Color: Disabled

  • Brighten bold text Color: Disabled

  • Minimun Contrast: 0

  • Cursor Color: #FBFCFC #F03C15

  • Cursor Text: #282D35 #F03C15


  • Black 0: #3E4352 #3E4352
  • Red 1: #FF5458 #FF5458
  • Green 2: #84A86C #84A86C
  • Yellow 3: #E4BD48 #E4BD48
  • Blue 4: #5D9EE7 #5D9EE7
  • Magenta 5: #C991E1 #C991E1
  • Cyan 6: #45DCC7 #45DCC7
  • White 7: #CBD09B #CBD09B


  • Black 0: #676767 #676767
  • Red 1: #FF6D67 #FF6D67
  • Green 2: #5FF967 #5FF967
  • Yellow 3: #FEFB67 #FEFB67
  • Blue 4: #6871FF #6871FF
  • Magenta 5: #FF76FF #FF76FF
  • Cyan 6: #5FFDFF #5FFDFF
  • White 7: #FFFEFE #FFFEFE

Terminal Colors Terminal Text


Alpha Plugin Alpha Plugin

LSP Plugins LSP, Snippets and Completion

Telescope Plugin Telescope

Command Line Plugin Command Line Plugin

Common issues

  1. Issues installing brew: You might need an stable connection to do it so if the installment gets interrupted at the middle you might need to uninstall all brew packages and do it again
  2. MAC M1 Chips + Brew: Looks like brew new path in M1 Macs is not added by default so we need to add the path following the suggestion after Brew gets installed, and then restart the terminal so the path takes effect. Then run again the install script.