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Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Router Starter

Create React apps with zero initial configuration. react-router-starter is built using Neutrino to harness the power of Webpack with the simplicity of presets.


  • Zero upfront configuration necessary to start developing and building a React web app
  • Code splitting with Webpack
  • Extends from neutrino-preset-react
    • Modern Babel compilation adding JSX and object rest spread syntax
    • Support for React Hot Loader
    • Write JSX in .js or .jsx files
  • Extends from neutrino-preset-web
    • Modern Babel compilation supporting ES modules, last 2 major browser versions, and async functions
    • Webpack loaders for importing HTML, CSS, images, icons, and fonts
    • Webpack Dev Server during development
    • Automatic creation of HTML pages, no templating necessary
    • Hot Module Replacement support
    • Production-optimized bundles with Babili minification and easy chunking
    • Easily extensible to customize your project as needed


  • Node.js v6.9+
  • Yarn or npm client


To get you started fork and clone the react-router-starter repository and install the dependencies using Yarn or the npm client.

cd react-router-starter/
❯ yarn

Quick start


❯ yarn start
✔ Development server running on: http://localhost:5000
✔ Build completed


❯ npm start
✔ Development server running on: http://localhost:5000
✔ Build completed


react-router-starter builds static assets to the build directory by default when running yarn build.

❯ yarn build
✔ Building project completed
Hash: 91fbce316c8468d6edcf
Version: webpack 2.6.1
Time: 14091ms
                                                   Asset       Size                            Chunks             Chunk Names
44f1fa40aa5bea6d363788d4fd4b6812.f2498bac3e340f3288c3.js  264 bytes  44f1fa40aa5bea6d363788d4fd4b6812  [emitted]
49048339b1d28c35f33650d680751b8b.a7f8d8c45dd4db2ac1c5.js  264 bytes  49048339b1d28c35f33650d680751b8b  [emitted]
670cfd2c899e5cd5914d010b62d225e2.6f10af3b704da1b79bfb.js  267 bytes  670cfd2c899e5cd5914d010b62d225e2  [emitted]
                           index.e7d9262cf8094e668634.js    8.11 kB                             index  [emitted]  index
                        polyfill.823769db5014b1525ea9.js    49.2 kB                          polyfill  [emitted]  polyfill
                         runtime.32af9b80d700ff09037d.js    1.73 kB                           runtime  [emitted]  runtime
                          vendor.16746a7f5d7a4a65df04.js     237 kB                            vendor  [emitted]  vendor
                                              index.html  926 bytes                                    [emitted]
✨  Done in 16.49s.

Running Tests

In order to keep this starter kit minimalist, react-router-starter has no test runner configured, however adding one is incredible easy with Neutrino. Refer to the relevant section on building and running tests.

Preset options

You can provide custom options and have them merged with this preset's default options to easily affect how this preset builds. You can modify React preset settings from .neutrinorc.js by overriding with an options object. Use an array pair instead of a string to supply these options in .neutrinorc.js. See the Web documentation for specific options you can override with this object.

Example: Change the application mount ID from "root" to "app" and change the page title:

module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['neutrino-preset-react', {
      html: {
        title: 'Epic React App',
        appMountId: 'app'


By following the customization guide and knowing the rule, loader, and plugin IDs above, you can override and augment the build by by providing a function to your .neutrinorc.js use array. You can also make these changes from the Neutrino API in custom middleware.


By defining an entry point named vendor you can split out external dependencies into a chunk separate from your application code.

Example: Put React and React DOM into a separate "vendor" chunk:

module.exports = {
  use: [
    (neutrino) => neutrino.config


Thank you for wanting to help out with Neutrino! We are very happy that you want to contribute, and have put together the contributing guide to help you get started. We want to do our best to help you make successful contributions and be part of our community.