
Keycloak adapter for Cloud

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

npm version
Coverage Status Maintainability Node.js 10.x, 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x CI donate


Implementation Keycloak adapter for aws Lambda


  • supports AWS API Gateway, AWS Cloudfront with Lambda@Edge
  • works with non amazon services.
  • validate expiration of JWT token
  • validate JWS signature
  • supports "clientId/secret" and "client-jwt" credential types
  • Role based authorization
  • support MultiTenant
  • cross-realm authentication
  • Regexp endpoints for Lambda@Edge
  • Resource based authorization ( Keycloak Authorization Services )


npm install keycloak-lambda-authorizer -S


How to use

Role Based

import { apigateway } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
export function authorizer(event, context, callback) {
    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  awsAdapter.awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
    enforce: { enabled: true, role: 'SOME_ROLE' },
      // Success 
    // Failed

Resource Based (Keycloak Authorization Services)

import { apigateway } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
export function authorizer(event, context, callback) {
    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  apigateway.awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
    enforce: {
      enabled: true,
      resource: {
        name: 'SOME_RESOURCE',
        uri: 'RESOURCE_URI',
        matchingUri: true,
      // Success 
    // Failed


Option structure:

        "key": privateKey,
        "passphrase": 'privateKey passphrase'
        "key": publicKey,

Resource Structure:


name : unique name of resource
uri : URIs which are protected by resource.
Owner : Owner of resource
type : Type of Resource
scope : The scope associated with this resource.
matchingUri : matching Uri

Keycloak Admin Console 2020-04-11 23-58-06

Change logger

awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
const winston from 'winston';
import { awsHandler } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
export function authorizer(event, context, callback) {
    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
      // Success 
    // Failed


Example of cache:

const NodeCache = require('node-cache');

const defaultCache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 180, checkperiod: 0, errorOnMissing: false });
const resourceCache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 30, checkperiod: 0, errorOnMissing: false });

export async function put(region, key, value) {
  if (region === 'publicKey') {
    defaultCache.set(key, value);
  } else if (region === 'uma2-configuration') {
    defaultCache.set(key, value);
  } else if (region === 'client_credentials') {
    defaultCache.set(key, value);
  } else if (region === 'resource') {
    resourceCache.set(key, value);
  } else {
    throw new Error('Unsupported Region');

export async function get(region, key) {
  if (region === 'publicKey') {
    return defaultCache.get(key);
  } if (region === 'uma2-configuration') {
    return defaultCache.get(key);
  } if (region === 'client_credentials') {
    return defaultCache.get(key);
  } if (region === 'resource') {
    return resourceCache.get(key);
  throw new Error('Unsupported Region');

Cache Regions:

publicKey - Cache for storing Public Keys. (The time to live - 180 sec)
uma2-configuration - uma2-configuration link. example of link http://localhost:8090/auth/realms/lambda-authorizer/.well-known/uma2-configuration (The time to live - 180 sec)
client_credentials - Service Accounts Credential Cache (The time to live - 180 sec). resource - Resources Cache (The time to live - 30 sec).

Change Cache:

import { awsHandler } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
export function authorizer(event, context, callback) {
    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
      cache: newCache,
      // Success 
    // Failed

Client Jwt Credential Type

- RSA Keys Structure

      "passphrase":"privateKey passphrase"

privateKey.key - RSA Private Key privateKey.passphrase - word or phrase that protects private key publicKey.key - RSA Public Key or Certificate

RSA keys generation example using openssl

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=US/ST=Denial/L=Springfield/O=Dis/CN=lambda-jwks" -keyout server.key -out server.crt

Create JWKS endpoint by AWS API Gateway

  • serverless.yaml
    handler: handler.cert
      - http:
          path: cert
          method: GET
  • lambda function (handler.cert)
import { jwksUrl } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';

export function cert(event, context, callback) {
  const jwksResponse = jwksUrl(publicKey);
  callback(null, {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: jwksResponse,
  • Keycloak Settings
    Keycloak Admin Console 2020-04-12 13-30-26

Create Api GateWay Authorizer function

import { awsHandler } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
export function authorizer(event, context, callback) {
    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
        key: privateKey,
        key: publicKey,
    enforce: {
      enabled: true,
      resource: {
        name: 'SOME_RESOURCE',
        uri: 'RESOURCE_URI',
        matchingUri: true,
      // Success 
    // Failed


1. protect Url

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const keycloakJson = ...;
const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

2. protect Url with Regexp

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const keycloakJson = ...;
const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

3. protect Url with custom response handler

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
  responseHandler: async (request, options)=>{
    const jwtToken = request.token;
 const uri = request.uri;
  if (uri.startsWith('/callback') ||
  uri.startsWith('callback')) {
    return callBackPageHandle;

4. Create JWKS endpoint by Lambda:Edge

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

lamdaEdge.routes.addJwksEndpoint('/cert', publicKey.key);

// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

5. Public url

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-cloudfront-dynamodb/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;


// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

6. Custom Url Handler

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-cloudfront-dynamodb/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

      isRoute: async (request) => await isRequest(request, '/someUrl'),
      handle: async (request, config, callback) => {
        const response=... ;
         YOUR LOGIC
        callback(null, response);

// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

7. Custom Url Handler with Lambda:Edge EventType

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-cloudfront-dynamodb/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

      isRoute: async (request) => await isRequest(request, '/someUrl'),
      handle: async (request, config, callback) => {
        if (config.eventType === 'viewer-request') { // original-request, origin-response, viewer-request, viewer-response, local-request
            const response=... ;
            YOUR LOGIC
            callback(null, response);
        } else {
            callback(null, request);

// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

8. Implementation For Custom Service or non amazon cloud

import { adapter } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';

const keycloakJson = {
   "realm": "lambda-authorizer",
   "auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8090/auth",
   "ssl-required": "external",
   "resource": "lambda",
   "verify-token-audience": true,
   "credentials": {
     "secret": "772decbe-0151-4b08-8171-bec6d097293b"
   "confidential-port": 0,
   "policy-enforcer": {}

async function handler(request,response) {
  const authorization = request.headers.Authorization;
  const match = authorization.match(/^Bearer (.*)$/);
  if (!match || match.length < 2) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid Authorization token - '${authorization}' does not match 'Bearer .*'`);
  const jwtToken =  match[1];
  await adapter(jwtToken,keycloakJson, {
                                        enforce: {
                                          enabled: true,
                                          resource: {
                                            name: 'SOME_RESOURCE',
                                            uri: 'RESOURCE_URI',
                                            matchingUri: true,

9. protect Url with keycloak function

import { lamdaEdge } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer';
import { SessionManager } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/SessionManager';
import { LocalSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/localSessionStorage';
import { DynamoDbSessionStorage } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/storage/DynamoDbSessionStorage';
import { isLocalhost } from 'keycloak-lambda-authorizer/src/edge/lambdaEdgeUtils';

const privateKey = ...;
const publicKey = ...;

function getKeycloakJson(realm, clientId){
  return {
  "realm": realm,
  "auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8090/auth",
  "ssl-required": "external",
  "resource": clientId,
  "verify-token-audience": true,
  "credentials": {
    "secret": "772decbe-0151-4b08-8171-bec6d097293b"
  "confidential-port": 0,
  "policy-enforcer": {}

getKeycloakJson("lambda-authorizer", "lambda"),
  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export async function authorization(event, context, callback) {
  await lamdaEdge.lambdaEdgeRouter(event, context, new SessionManager(isLocalhost()? new LocalSessionStorage(): new DynamoDbSessionStorage({ region: 'us-east-1' },'teablename'), {
    keys: {
  }), callback);

10. protect Url with Uma

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',

11. Modify Session

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
   sessionModify: (sessionToken, token, options) => {
    const newSessionToken = { ...sessionToken };
    return newSessionToken;
     sessionDelete: (sessionToken, token, options) => {
      const newSessionToken = { ...sessionToken };
      delete sessionToken.newProperty;
      return newSessionToken;

12. Support custom Idp(kc_idp_hint)

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',

13. Custom Router selector

  enforce: {
    enabled: true,
    resource: {
      name: 'tenantResource',
  isRequest: (request, routePath, ret)=>{
     return true;

14. Resource Handler

    const keycloakJSON = ...; // read Keycloak.json
  apigateway.awsHandler(event, keycloakJSON, {
    enforce: {
      enabled: true,
      resource: {
        name: 'SOME_RESOURCE',
        uri: 'RESOURCE_URI',
        matchingUri: true,
      resourceHandler:(resourceJson, options)=>{
      console.log('resource: ' + JSON.stringify(resourceJson));
      // Success
    // Failed

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