Get started

Code execution

To run the generator with codes

cd ./src/azure_iac/
python ./ <path-to-your-payload> <output-folder>

Binary execution

Run cmd below to build the generator, and it generates an executable in dist/.

# cd root folder
pyinstaller installer.spec

To execute the generator

./dist/generator.exe <path-to-your-payload> <output-folder>

Pakage execution

Run cmd below to package the generator, and it generates a package in dist/

# cd root folder
python sdist bdist_wheel

Run cmd below to install the generator

pip install .\dist\azure_iac-0.1-py3-none-any.whl

To execute generator through the package provide command

azure_iac <path-to-your-payload> <output-folder>

To execute generator through package imports

from azure_iac.command import Command

Command().execute('<path-to-your-payload>', '<path-to-your-payload>')