A RESTful API for Bitcoin prices

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A RESTful API for Bitcoin prices

Geting Started

Clone this repository: https://github.com/wchinny/RESTful-BTC to get started.


Express, Mongoose, and body-parser are required. Install them by running the following in the terminal:

npm install express
npm install mongoose
npm install body-parser
npm install request

How do I run the program?

With all the prerequisites installed, run server.js in the terminal like so:

node server.js

How stuff works

The program pulls data from the CoinMarketcap API BTC ticker in 120-second (2 minutes) intervals, and adds the value with a timestamp to a MongoDB database on MLab.

Change the interval by editing the line below in server.js, with 120000ms being the default value:

setTimeout(refresh, 120000);

UNIX Timestamps

The timestamp is represented as the UNIX Epoch time by default. To convert to a human-readable format, here are a few routines to use


var myDate = new Date( your epoch date *1000);




import time
time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", time.gmtime(epoch))


This program supports POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE HTTP requests. Testing can be done with Postman.