Loan Amortization

This project implements load amortization using different programming languages.

  • Python
  • R


Variable naming convention

  • Upper-case letter represents constant value
  • Lower-case letter represents derived value

Formula to calculate monthly loan payments

$m = P \dfrac{R (1 + R)^N }{(1 + R)^N - 1}$

  • $m$ = the monthly loan payment (principal + interest)
  • $P$ = the principal loan amount (original)
  • $R$ = the interest rate (monthly. annual rate devided by 12)
  • $N$ = number of payments over the loan’s lifetime (loan years times 12)

Formula to calculate interest payment for a given month

$interest = olb * R$

  • $interest$ = interest payment
  • $olb$ = outstanding loan balance at the end of last month

Note: Interest payment varies from month to month.

  • Month 1
    • $interest01 = P * R$
    • $principal01 = m - interest01$
    • $olb01 = P - principal01$
  • Month 2
    • $interest02 = $olb01 * R$
    • $principal02 = m - interest02$
    • $olb02 = olb01 - principal02$
  • So on and so forth