
Splunk TA for proofpoint TAP alerts

TA Created by Bryan Fisher (brf2010@med.cornell.edu, bryan.fisher797@gmail.com)


  • python 3.3+ (only tested on 3.4 and 3.5)
  • Unix-y OS
  • The super-awesome requests library (pip install requests)


On the box that will be doing the data collection:

  1. Install the TA
  2. Copy default/inputs.conf to local/inputs.conf
  3. In inputs.conf, change disabled = true to disabled = false
  4. Examine bin/starter_script.sh and make sure that the paths to the app directory and to the python3 executable are correct
  5. Edit bin/PP_TAP_logs.py to add your API credentials to the username and password fields.
  6. (re)start splunk

On the search head:

  1. Install the TA
  2. Enjoy Proofpoint logs responsibly