
Debugging Information Validation

Primary LanguagePython

Debugging Information Testing

This is a python reimplementation for the debug-information testing framework for the paper

  • Debug Information Validation for Optimized Code in PLDI 2020 by Yuanbo Li, Shuo Ding, Qirun Zhang, Davide Italiano


This project depends on the following tools, please make sure you have the following tools available:


Please use the dexter in our repository, if you have other versions of dexter installed. The code of dexter in our repo has been slightly modified.

To test a clang compiler, please set "clang" as a softlink to the clang compiler with the desired version you wish to test.


First config the compiler and flag options for the debug-information testing and set the options in config.txt

testing compiler: clang
testing compiler flags: -O2 -g

Then run the config.sh before the actual use of the testing framework.

    python3 test-debug-info.py

Bugs found by the framework will be put under "bugs" directory.