
A automated map generator for 2Dot

Primary LanguageC++

Map generation for 2Dot

This a tool for quickly generating maps for 2Dot. It works by taking in a image on which the walkable path has been drawn, it will then create a .map file that automatically fills in the walls for you.

Some assumptions

  1. The endzone is a square
  2. The first 5 pixels of your image represent the key to the image, they should all be different colors. They correspond to the following tile types in 2dot: red (starting) tiles, blue tiles, red checkerboard tiles, green tiles, and endzone tiles. Any other color will be interpreted as a wall.
  3. The upper left and lower right corners have the color key of the starting zone (the first pixel color of the image). Leave the second pixel as a different color, the program will change it for you.

I have left an example image here that represents the first level in 2Dot