
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


An exercise of python multiprocessing. A tool to identify primes given a range.


In the project directory

python3 -m venv ./venv

Activate venv:

Platform Shell Command
POSIX bash/zsh source _<venv>_/bin/activate
POSIX fish source _<venv>_/bin/activate.fish
POSIX csh/tcsh source _<venv>_/bin/activate.csh
POSIX PowerShell _<venv>_/bin/Activate.ps1
Windows cmd.exe C:\> _<venv>_\Scripts\activate.bat
Windows PowerShell PS C:\> _<venv>_\Scripts\Activate.ps1

Install requirements.txt

In the activated venv:

pip install -r requirements.txt