title author date output
MSFE-IE522 Statistical Methods Summer Project
Wes Cravens, UIUC^[University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, wbc3@illinois.edu]; Wes Cravens, CMEG^[CME Group(CMEG), wes.cravens@cmegroup.com]; Prof. Liming Feng, UIUC^[UIUC, fenglm@illinois.edu]; \& Haifeng Zheng, CMEG^[CME Group, haifeng.zheng@cmegroup.com]
fig_caption toc number_sections keep_md

Table of contents { .unlisted, .unnumbered }

Development Environment

The project uses git for revision control and repository management. The primary repository store is currently located on:

University of Illinois, School of Engineering, GitLab GitLab Logo{height=60px}

Git Git logo

You will need git installed to manage changes to the code repository.

Getting Started - Installing Git

R and python R logo python logo

This project primarily uses R for experiments and analysis but also includes some python tooling. Ensure that you have recent versions of these environments suitable for your host system (Win, Linux, MacOS, etc).

Download and install R

Download and install python

Tooling to manage localized project development environment

renv: Project Environments for R

reticulate: R Interface to Python

Setting up your local environment

Clone the repository

TODO: Add note about personal forks and pull requests.

Setup localized project environments for R and python.

Retrieve data with DVC.

Build Project


License: MIT