MageHero is a list of Magento developers. The idea is for the community to curate a list of quality Magento developers - to make it easier for people to find the good ones.
Initially the idea behind building this was because I'm always getting asked whether I know any good Magento developers that are available, and I wanted to have a good resource to point people to.
After getting some initial traction, I'm realizing that the majority of the people signing up are great Magento developers but they're not available or looking for contract work. So at the moment I'm just thinking of it as a nice index of Magento developers.
At some point, I'll want to figure out a way to surface up developers that are actually available for work, or perhaps give developers ways to list specific types of consulting or projects that they're interested in.
But for now, it's just a general listing of developers in the community.
Upvote other good developers. This will help to create a list of developers that merchants and agencies can trust.
You can only upvote other developers if you are logged in and if you have already received at least two upvotes.
I wrote a post here explaining some of my thoughts around the upvoting system - please feel free to comment there:
I'd rather you didn't. I'm getting a lot of noise in my twitter stream about this and it's hard to have a good dialogue about these things in twitter.
I'd rather that you join in on some of the discussions in MageUnity or post a well-reasoned question or suggestion as a GitHub issue.
And also keep in mind that if you're going to suggest something, you should be willing to build it yourself, since this is open source.
Just login and it will allow you to auth with GitHub and then click on your username in the top right and save your details as JSON.
Because I wanted to get something quick and dirty up to get the ball rolling. Building the database is really the most important component of this.
If you're a designer and you'd like to put a nice face on this, let us know. Would be happy to feature you in the listing somehow as a thanks for your services.
Because the schema will probably change a lot by the time it's all said and done and this makes it easy to keep it flexible meanwhile.
Not exactly a UX best practice, but hey you're developers, so you should enjoy the occasional JSON editing.
Since the project is open source and since you're a PHP developer, and since my time is super limited to resolve and fix bugs, please do some initial investigation of the issue to try and resolve it.
- Thanks to Daniel Sloof for the domain name -!
- Thanks to the amazing Antonela who is working on the design.
If you're looking for a full time position as Magento developer, Clean is hiring. Email