Run the database.sql script with mysql to create the database of this program and change the value of DBUSER and DBPASSWORD and DBURL in the DatabaseConnection class in package dao based on your own local database configuration.
Use command orbd -ORBInitialPort #{port} -ORBInitialHost #{host} to run your ORB server, the configured port and address should be used when configuring the server and client programs' used ORB server.
Use command line and change directory to this project's root directory with the pom.xml maven configuration file, and use command mvn compile to compile the program.
Use command line and change directory to this project's root directory with the pom.xml maven configuration file, and use command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="server.Server" to run the server program.
Use command line and change directory to this project's root directory with the pom.xml maven configuration file, and use command mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="client.Client" to run the client program. Use the client to do the operations required.