Async Throttle

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Asynchronous Rate Limiting

This crate provides coarse and fine-grained ways to throttle the rate at which asynchronous tasks are executed.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

async-throttle = "0.3.2"

You can use the fine-grained rate limiter like so:

async fn main() {
   let period = std::time::Duration::from_secs(5);
   let rate_limiter = MultiRateLimiter::new(period);
   // This completes instantly
   rate_limiter.throttle("foo", || computation()).await;

   // This completes instantly
   rate_limiter.throttle("bar", || computation()).await;

   // This takes 5 seconds to complete because the key "foo" is rate limited
   rate_limiter.throttle("foo", || computation()).await;