
Basic example of using poetry2nix to generate a Python environment

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Set up a basic poetry2nix environment

A minimalist example using poetry2nix without any package development. These instructions should generate a new Python environment using Nix. It does not require a Python development package to use this since package-mode = false. It also uses a Flake that doesn't need to be edited. All that needs editing is the pyproject.toml file. This should be edited using the poetry tool. IMO, this is the simplest way to use Python maintained as as Nix environment. Note that here we're using Micromamba to install and use poetry, but we could use any Python environment manager to do this or even Nix probably. However, I tend to use Micromamba for this boostrapping issue. These instructions do not require this respository to be cloned. However, it does use the flake.nix file in the repository, which should be downloaded.

1. Nix

Install Nix using the instructions on nix.dev. Make sure Flakes are working correctly, see below

2. Setup Poetry and the "basic" environment (if necessary)

Firstly install Poetry in way that works with your current environment management system. I installed Micromamba using Nix and home-manager as I already use Nix. Micromamba is used outside of the Nix environment as a boostrapping mechanism to deal with Poetry. You could use Conda or Pip to install Poetry, it doesn't matter.

$ mkdir basic
$ cd basic
$ eval "$(micromamba shell hook -s bash)"
$ micromamba create -n basic python poetry
$ micromamba activate basic

3. Create the pyproject.toml

The first step is to create a new Poetry package.

$ poetry init

This drops you into a question and answer session. Use the default answers, but say "no" to defining the dependencies interactively.

In addition add package-mode = false to the [tool.poetry] section of the pyproject.toml. It should look something like this.

name = "basic"
version = "0.1.0"
description = ""
authors = ["Daniel Wheeler <daniel.wheeler2@gmail.com>"]
readme = "README.md"
package-mode = false

python = "^3.12"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

4. Add packages

You can add new packages using

$ poetry add numpy

for example and then run

$ poetry lock

to update the lock file.

5. Setup the flake

Add the flake.nix from this repository to the directory with the new environment.

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wd15/basic-poetry2nix/main/flake.nix

Set up the basic directory to be a Git repository.

$ git init
$ git add flake.nix pyproject.toml poetry.lock
$ git ci -m "initial commit"

6. Run the environment

Now the development environment should now work

$ nix develop
$ python -c "import numpy; print(numpy.__version__)"
$ exit

This should have generated flake.lock file. Add this to the repository.

$ git add flake.lock
$ git ci -m "adding flake.lock"

7. Additional odds and ends


If you get the ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PACKAGENAME' then read this. Basically, the following section of the flake.nix needs to be edited.

      pypkgs-build-requirements = {
        # attrs = [ "hatchling" ];
        # urllib3 = [ "hatchling" ];
        # hbreader = [ "setuptools" ];
        # pytrie = [ "setuptools" ];
        # url-normalize = [ "poetry-core" ];
        # cfgraph = [ "setuptools" ];
        # pytest-logging = [ "setuptools" ];
        # mkdocs-windmill = [ "setuptools" ];
        # paginate = [ "setuptools" ];

The package that is failing needs to correctly identify its build mechanism. For example, in the above list, pytest-logging requires setuptools.

Nix Shell Prompt

NOTE: the nix develop command fails to change the shell prompt to indicate that you are now in a Nix environment. To remedy this add the following to your ~/.bashrc.

show_nix_env() {
  if [[ -n "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ]]; then
    echo "(nix)"
export -f show_nix_env
export PS1="\[\e[1;34m\]\$(show_nix_env)\[\e[m\]"$PS1


The PFHub Nix expressions use an experimental feature known as flakes, see the official flake documentation.

To enable Nix flakes, add a one liner to either ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or /etc/nix/nix.conf. The one liner is

experimental-features = nix-command flakes

If you need more help consult this tutorial.

To test that flakes are working try

$ nix flake metadata github:wd15/basic-poetry2nix
Resolved URL:  github:wd15/basic-poetry2nix
└───systems: github:nix-systems/default/da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e

Update Flakes

$ nix flake update
$ nix develop

When the flake is updated, a new flake.lock file is generated which must be committed to the repository alongside the flake.nix. Note that the flake files depend on the nixos-23.11 branch which is only updated with backports for bug fixes. To update to a newer version of Nixpkgs then the flake.nix file requires editing to point at a later Nixpkgs version.