PHP Vue.js test


A very small web test app consisting of a PHP file combined with a Vue.js instance.

The initial data for the Vue.js app is provided by the PHP back-end.



To write this test app, I assume you have:

  • use PHPSandbox, an online PHP code editor & test environment (use the "Standard PHP notebook with Web and CLI" notebook option for this test)
  • or installed a local copy of PHP 7.4 on your machine


  • create a blank .php page
  • get the current Unix timestamp in $timestamp
  • create an associative $data array in PHP containing the following keys:
    • a random RGB color in randomColor in hexadecimal color format #123456 (a one-liner!)
    • the remote ip address of the client browser in remoteIp
    • the date portion of $timestamp in date using format DD-MM-YYYY
    • the time portion of $timestamp in time using format HH:MM:SS
    • an empty string color
    • an empty string buttonText
    • a falsy boolean go
    • an empty array log


  • add the Vue.js runtime to your PHP page from the standard CDN
  • create a Vue.js instance in your PHP page
  • use the PHP $data array as the Vue.js data object (in such a way you are able to add extra JS properties in the data object at the same level)
  • initialize the color property in the data object to red (in Vue.js, not PHP)
  • init buttonText property to "Go!"
  • create an html box with (id = box1), width 80%, centered horizontally on the page, text centered
  • bind the text color of box1 to the Vue.js data variable randomColor
  • the html box must contain the text (assuming a client ip visited the page on 02-01-2021 at 15:20:33):
    • line 1: "Welcome!"
    • line 2: "You visited this page on 02-01-2021 at 15:20:33"
  • add another box (id = box2) of 100px x 100px, top & bottom margin 10px, centered on the page, all content centered horizontally & vertically
  • box2 text content: "Stop / Go"
  • bind it's background color to color
  • add a third box (id = box3) with a button (id = go) toggling the color of box2 between red and green
  • when box2 is red, the button text must be "Go!"
  • when box2 is green, the button text must be "Stop!"
  • the button must be 100px wide and centered in box3
  • add a <ul> tag below box3, adding a new <li> tag with the current buttonText to the <ul> tag on every click of the toggle button using the log data property in Vue.js

Key points & tips

  • keep your code (layout) as clean and readable/maintainable as possible
  • separate business logic from layout in html/css
  • use the latest language constructs/functions/properties in PHP, JS, HTML & CSS
  • take issues with async page startup into account

Test environment

If you have a local copy of PHP 7.4, start a local PHP server on port 8000 in your project's directory:

# php -S localhost:8000

In your browser, go to http://localhost:8000

In case you use the PHPSandbox online, you can test your app immediately online there

Example screenshot
