
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This package contains a Python implementation of the Helbing-Molnár-Farkas-Vicsek Social Force Model. The code was created for a master thesis and is still in active development.

Feel free to clone or fork. For questions regarding the model you can contact me at [myfullname] at gmail dot com.


Just checkout the repository and run python setup.py.


  • Add optimizations to social force calculations.
  • Add GUI to allow run-time parameter tuning and testing.
  • Add unit tests.
  • Let parameterloader give errors for unknown parameters.
  • Make parameterloader case insensitive.

YAML config files

You can use a .yaml parameter file to load and build a world. The following parameters are configurable:

Global parameters
  • world_width (float) - default 10.0 - width (x) of domain
  • world_height (float) - default 10.0 - height (y) of domain
  • continuous_domain (boolean) - default False - whether the domain should wrap around
  • step_size (float) - default 0.05 - simulation step size
  • default_desired_velocity (float) - default 1.3 - default desired velocity of pedestrians
  • default_maximum_velocity (float) - default 2.6 - default maximum velocity of pedestrians
  • default_relaxation_time (float) - default 2.0 - default relaxation time of pedestrians
  • desired_velocity_importance (float) - default 0.8 - between 0.0 and 1.0, lower means the velocity is more dependent on neighbourhood velocity
  • interactive_distance_threshold (float) - default 2.0 - distance after which objects and pedestrians are no longer used in interactive force calculations
  • target_distance_threshold (float) - default 0.13 - maximum distance to target for it to be considered reached
  • repulsion_coefficient (float) - default 2000 Newton
  • falloff_length (float) - default 0.08 meters
  • body_force_constant (float) - default 12000 kg / s²
  • friction_force_constant (float) - default 24000 kg / ms
  • quad_tree_threshold (integer) - maximum number of pedestrians in a quad tree leaf
  • groups (one or more Group entities) - pedestrian groups in this simulation
  • obstacles (one or more Obstacle entities) - obstacles in this simulation
Entity variables
  • x (float)
  • y (float)
  • start (Point)
  • end (Point)

Default values are taken from global variables if not provided.

  • start_time (float) - default 0 seconds - Time at which this group should appear in the simulation
  • spawn_area (Area) - The default area in which new pedestrians should spawn
  • spawn_rate (float) - default 0 pedestrians per second - Pedestrian spawn rate
  • target_area (Area) - The default area in which new pedestrian targets should spawn
  • target_path (one or more Point entities) - The path which pedestrians should follow to get to their target
  • mass (float) - default 60 kg - Mass of pedestrians
  • radius (float) - default 0.15 m - Radius of pedestrians
  • desired_velocity (float) - Desired velocity of pedestrians
  • maximum_velocity (float) - Maximum velocity of pedestrians
  • relaxation_time (float) - Relaxation time of pedestrians
  • num_pedestrians (integer) - The number of pedestrians to spawn with default parameters
  • pedestrians (one or more Pedestrian entities) - Pedestrians to add to this group

Pedestrians should always be part of a group. Variables that are not set are inferred from the group.

  • start (Point) - Spawn point
  • target (Point) - Target point
  • target_path (one or more Point entities) - The path which this pedestrian should follow to get to their target.
  • mass (float) - Mass of pedestrian
  • radius (float) - Radius of pedestrian
  • desired_velocity (float) - Desired velocity of pedestrian
  • maximum_velocity (float) - Maximum velocity of pedestrian
  • relaxation_time (float) - Relaxation time of pedestrian
  • points (one or more Point entities) - series of points. Line segments are drawn between pairs of points.

Example code

Box with exit tunnel

The following parameter file creates a 10x10 box connected to a 10x4 exit tunnel. The box starts with 100 pedestrians spawned at random positions in the box. Each pedestrian then attempts to navigate through the tunnel using a predefined target path, towards an off-screen target beyond the tunnel.

world_height: 10
world_width: 20
    -   num_pedestrians: 100
                x: 0.5
                y: 0.5
                x: 9.5
                y: 9.5
                x: 20.0
                y: 2.5
                x: 25.0
                y: 7.5
            -   x: 9.5
                y: 5.0
            -   x: 21.0
                y: 5.0
    -   points:
            -   x: 10.0
                y: 0.0
            -   x: 10.0
                y: 2.5
            -   x: 11.0
                y: 3.5
            -   x: 20.0
                y: 3.5
    -   points:
            -   x: 20.0
                y: 6.5
            -   x: 11.0
                y: 6.5
            -   x: 10.0
                y: 7.5
            -   x: 10.0
                y: 10.0

The following Python file loads the parameters from the YAML file, creates a simulation, adds some measurements and runs and plots the situation.

import socialforcemodel as sfm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def average_speed(world):
    velocities = []
    for group in world.groups:
        for p in group.pedestrians:
    return np.mean(velocities)

def avg_num_neighbours(world):
    counts = []
    for group in world.groups:
        for p in group.pedestrians:
            counts.append(p.get_measurement('neighbourhood', 'num_neighbours'))
    return np.mean(counts)

def main(args):
    loader = sfm.ParameterLoader(args.file)
    world = loader.world

    figure = world.plot()
                   bbox_inches = 'tight',
                   pad_inches = 0.1)

    for step in range(args.steps):
        print "Step {}".format(step + 1)
        if not world.step():
        if step % 5 == 4:
            figure = world.plot()
            figure.savefig("img/" + str((step + 1) / 5) + ".png",
                           bbox_inches = 'tight',
                           pad_inches = 0.1)

    np.savetxt("measurements.txt", world.measurements)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import argparse
    import sys
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('file', help='YAML-file')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--steps', help='Number of steps', type=int, default=500)
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])