Ampleforth Fork is a decentralized elastic supply protocol based on Ampleforth. It maintains a stable unit price by adjusting supply directly to and from wallet holders. You can read the Ampleforth Whitepaper for the motivation and a complete description of the protocol.
This repository is a collection of smart contracts that implement the Ampleforth protocol on the Ethereum blockchain.
node : 10.5.0 npm : 6.14.4
# Install project dependencies
npm install
# Install ethereum local blockchain(s) and associated dependencies
npx setup-local-chains
# You can use the following command to start a local blockchain instance
npx start-chain ganacheUnitTest
# Run all unit tests
npm test
There is a testnet deployment on Rinkeby.
- ERC-20 Token: 0x0813460faD836Eef970Cb191f90B09ac95E38b3a
- Supply Policy: 0x0daE7F9ac75371A6Fa53EA57cF4C3bc5aD2a139C
- Orchestrator: 0xcCF463D06cd322C113664b82A1C9FDf7566C2aDd