
dot files configuration (macOS & Linux), surfingkeys / tmux / screen / ideavimrc / phoenix / etc.

Primary LanguageShell

Alswl's .oOo.

这里是我的 Linux / macOS 配置文件,有兴趣的可以参考。

This is my Linux / macOS configuration.


These configuration Includes:

Useful local/bin (scripts):

  • SimpleHTTPServerWithUpload.py # simple HTTPS Server with Upload
  • bing-wallpaper.sh # bing wallpaper downloader
  • check-brew-cask-upgrade # fast check brew cask updates
  • crash # crash link
  • csv2json
  • ddns-by-cloudflare # update dns record for local device by cloudflare
  • ddns-by-cloudflare-wan # update dns record for public IP by cloudflare
  • ddns-by-dnspod # update dns record for local device by dnspod
  • ddns-by-dnspod-wan # update dns record for public IP by dnspod
  • dig-http
  • edit-server # script for TextAid, use vim in Chorme, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ppoadiihggafnhokfkpphojggcdigllp
  • fcitx-remote-osa # use osa switch macOS Input Method
  • format-gfm # format file with github flavor markdown
  • format-markdown # format file with markdown
  • funiq # file uniq, generate hash for file
  • generate-output-summary-md # generate .output for yuque
  • generate-summary-md # generate summary.md for markdown directory
  • generate_dash_index.sh # generate dash doc index
  • gh-md-toc
  • git-archive-zip # archive a git repo to zip, and rename it to xxx.git
  • git-code-numbers-by-authors # analytics git repo by author
  • git_diff_wrapper # deprecate, use git difftool
  • homebrew-using-mirror # using mirror for homebrew
  • image-from-clipboard-to-png-copy-markdown # paste image from clipcbard to png file with markdown format
  • image-from-clipboard-to-png-global # paste image from clipcbard to png file
  • image-from-path-to-assets-copy-markdown # paste image from path to png file with markdown format
  • iterm2-recv-zmodem.sh # rz for iTerm2
  • iterm2-send-zmodem.sh # sz for iTerm2
  • jmxsh
  • jmxterm
  • lark-gen-markdown # yuque markdown generate .output
  • ls-upload-log4d
  • markdown2ctags.py
  • mdcp # copy markdown with internal links update (DEPRECATED, using Obsidian)
  • mdmv # move markdown with internal links update (DEPRECATED, using Obsidian)
  • mdsearch # markdown search, mardkown file search by title (DEPRECATED, using Obsidian)
  • mouse-tracking-echo-in-shell
  • mouse_restore.sh
  • mov2gif
  • mysql2sqlite.sh
  • paste-html-to-md
  • paste-html-to-md-copy
  • paste-html-to-rtf
  • paste-html-to-rtf-copy
  • paste-md-to-html
  • paste-md-to-html-copy
  • paste-md-to-rtf
  • paste-md-to-rtf-copy
  • paste-rtf-to-html
  • paste-rtf-to-html-copy
  • paste-rtf-to-md
  • paste-rtf-to-md-copy
  • paste-rtf-to-md-for-table
  • paste-rtf-to-md-for-table-copy
  • privoxy_restart.sh
  • puml-format-order-node
  • pyyaml-format # format yaml with pyyaml
  • qrdecode
  • reduceimg
  • release-mvn-to-git-release-binary-branch.sh
  • release-sbt-to-git-release-binary-branch.sh
  • remark # generate remark slide by md
  • reveal # generate reveal slide by md
  • rime_dict_manager
  • rsocks_start.sh
  • scel2mmseg.py
  • shadowsocks_client_start_ha.sh
  • shadowsocks_client_start_hk.sh
  • shadowsocks_client_start_jp.sh
  • shj
  • socks5proxywrapper
  • soks5proxyhttp
  • soks5proxyssh
  • speedfox
  • sqlite3-to-mysql.py
  • svg2icns # convert svg to icns (icons set)
  • svn_diff_wrapper
  • tinypng # use tinypng to compress image
  • tinyproxy_start.sh
  • tinyproxy_stop.sh
  • trash-put # implement trash-put command with trash command
  • tree2fulltree # convert tree output to list
  • tsa
  • uniqf # alias for funiq
  • unzip-gbk # unizp gbk file in Linux / macOS
  • url_diff
  • view-pyc-file
  • view-pyc-file3
  • viscosity-to-ios-connect.rb


# install zsh
apt-get-install zsh
# or
brew install zsh

# install oh-my-zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
# git clone zsh-autosuggestions
git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

# install .oOo.
git clone https://github.com/alswl/.oOo.
cd .oOo.
ln -s $(pwd)/.* $HOME/
rm $HOME/.git
rm $HOME/.DS_Store
cp $(pwd)/_.gitconfig $HOME/.gitconfig

mkdir -p $HOME/local/bin
mkdir -p $HOME/local/etc
ln -s $(pwd)/local/bin/* $HOME/local/bin/
ln -s $(pwd)/local/etc/* $HOME/local/etc/

macOS continues:

ln -s $(pwd)/mac/.* $HOME/
ln -s $(pwd)/mac/phoenix/dist/phoenix.js $HOME/.phoenix.js
ln -s $(pwd)/mac/_Library/Application\ Support/Karabiner/private.xml $HOME/Library/Application\ Support/Karabiner/private.xml
ln -s $(pwd)/mac/_config/karabiner/karabiner.json $HOME/.config/karabiner/karabiner.json

Linux continues:

ln -s $(pwd)/linux/.* $HOME/

Phoenix (window management in macOS as tiling system)

Application launch:

Application in window switch:

Window movement:

More details in Windows management for hacker | Log4D


  • miv vim configuration
  • awesome awesome configuration