
Test Assignment for a Software Developer

Primary LanguagePython



You are a part of the RoboHouse Innovation team. The team works with 3D camera data for some projects. The team needs to occasionally convert 3D data from BAG format to PLY. Thus a command line tool is needed. The tool should take a path to a BAG file as input, make a conversion, and save it as a PLY file. The tool can be occasionally updated, so a GitHub repository is needed to keep track of changes. Also, the team wants to be able to see how changes affect the code. Thus a pipeline is needed to lint the code and to run tests. You are taking this task from Denis, so you can reach out to him.


  • The tool shall be written in Python language.
  • The tool shall be an executable.
  • The tool shall run on Linux OS.
  • The tool shall take the path to a bag file as input.
  • The tool shall save a file in PLY format as output.
  • The tool shall utilize the save_to_ply() function from the pyrealsense2 library (reference).
  • The tool shall be hosted on a public GitHub repository.
  • The repository shall run a workflow to lint the code upon a push to the main branch.
  • The repository shall run a workflow to unit test the code upon push to the main branch.

A bag file in the repository can be used together with the test cases.