
Descriptions for the HappyFace project and paper that is too long to fit within the limits of the VL/HCC submission


Descriptions for the HappyFace project and paper that is too long to fit within the limits of the VL/HCC submission

Python Library Features

  • AST library (Python 2 | Python 3)
    • Abstract Syntax Tree module that helps discover the grammar structure of Python 2 or 3 code.
    • Full list of nodes located in section 32.2.2 for each library.
  • Keywords (Python 2 | Python 3)
    • Reserved Python 2 or 3 keywords such as if, else, True, and False.
  • Builtins (Python 2 | Python 3)
    • Built-in objects for Python 2 or 3, including built-in functions (abs(), len()), constants (True, False, None), and types like boolean operations (or, and, not), comparsion operations (<, >, is), and numeric types (int, float, complex).

Stylometric Features


  • Wordgrams extracted using regex to detect commonly used words in the code snippets.
    • Ex. ThisWordGram becomes [This, Word, Gram].
    • Wordgrams are extracted in hopes of discovering words associated with frustration.

Frustration Score

  • Obtained through user selection of affect on the HappyFace survey.
    • Scores from 1 to 5 (happy to frustrated).

Table of Features

Feature Description
Frustration Self-reported affect by programmer casting a vote on the HappyFace survey
Wordgrams Frequency of specfic words occuring in source code
Each count of the following Chars, underscores, tabs, spaces, and all whitespace in source code
Lines start with comment Frequency of lines starting with a comment
Comments Amount of individual comments
Empty lines Frequency of completely empty lines
Line count Amount of lines in the code snippet
Tab starts line How many lines start with a tab character
Average line length The average length of the lines of code, in chars
Std of line length Standard deviation of line length of the source code
Python keywords Total count of reserved keywords in the Python language
Python builtins Total count of builtin objects (functions, constants, and types) in the Python language
Unique keywords Count of unique keywords and builtins used
AST nodes Count of each AST node present in code, extracted by parsing and traversing the AST
Errors Specific errors that occur when code is parsed into AST