ASCII Art generator for iOS

Primary LanguageSwift


###ASCIIKit is a powerful framwork to generate ASCII matrix on iOS.

How to install:

Drag ASCIIKit.xcodeproj into your project and add ASCIIKit.framework into Embedded Binaries and Linked frameworks and libraries

How to Use:

Original Image:
![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wddwycc/ASCIIKit/master/DemoImages/original Image.jpg)
(from: https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/60266/screenshots/1974826/open-uri20150316-11-vz33qe_1x)

Generate ASCII single character colorful matrix:
testImage.ASCIIGenerateColorfulMatrixWithSingleCharacter("#", pixelsPerSymbol: 2) { (attributedString) -> Void in
    let image = attributedString.generateImage()

Generate ASCII single character grey scale matrix:
testImage.ASCIIGenerateGrayScaleMatrixWithSingleCharacter("#", pixelsPerSymbol: 2) { (attributedString) -> Void in
    let image = attributedString.generateImage()

Generate ASCII multi character grey scale matrix:
testImage.ASCIIGenerateGrayScaleMatrixWithMultipleCharacter(pixelsPerSymbol: 2) { (attributedString) -> Void in
    let image = attributedString.generateImage()

The calculation is done Asynchoriously with CoreGraphics.

See more detail in the demo project~.