
Points of interest provider for the smartphone augmented reality application Layar. Gathers together geolocated tweets using a defined hash tag with points of interest from Google Maps to give an AR view of goings on and happenings for everyone at an event or conference.

Primary LanguageRubyGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Points of interest provider for the smartphone augmented reality application Layar.

Laertes is a point of interest provider for the smartphone augmented reality application Layar. It gathers together geolocated tweets using a defined hash tag with points of interest from Google Maps to give an AR view of goings on and happenings for everyone at an event or conference.

With Laertes and Layar when you're at en event you can hold up your smartphone and pan around and see where all of the interesting places are and where everyone's been tweeting from in the last little while.

These two blog posts explain more, and have screenshots:


Laertes is written in Ruby using the Sinatra web application framework. There is no database---it does everything on the fly by calling APIs.

You will need to have Ruby and Rubygems installed for this to work. You can either do that through a package manager or by using RVM, which is probably easiest in the long run and will help you avoid problems with different Ruby versions.

For the Ruby XML parser nokogiri to run there are extra installation requirements. On a Debian/Ubuntu system you will need to run this (but don't run the Ruby installation commands they mention if you're set up with RVM):

$ sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev

If you run a different system, check Nokogiri's instructions.

You will also need Git to get this source code.

$ sudo apt-get install git

While I'm at it, let me recommend two other useful tools: curl and jsonlint.

$ sudo apt-get install curl
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ npm install jsonlint -g

All of these installation commands are meant for Debian/Ubuntu; adapt them to your system if you run something different.


To install Laertes you need to get this source code by either forking this GitHub repository or downloading it directly. Then use Bundler to first make sure all of the necessary requirements are in place and then to run the application safely. (Note: when installing Bundler, if you're not using RVM you may need to run sudo gem install bundler.) This will clone this repository and then get it running:

$ git clone git@github.com:wdenton/laertes.git
$ cd laertes
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rackup config.ru

You should now see a message like this:

[2014-05-26 12:24:52] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2014-05-26 12:24:52] INFO  ruby 2.0.0 (2014-05-08) [x86_64-linux]
[2014-05-26 12:24:52] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=874 port=9292

Good! This means that the web service is running on your machine on port 9292. You can now test it by either hitting it on the command line or in your browser with a URL like this:

$ curl "http://localhost:9292/?lon=-87.64597&lat=41.866862&version=6.2&radius=2000&layerName=example"

It should respond with JSON output (as defined in Layar's GetPOIs Response). As long as there is some JSON, even if it's not much, that's good. If there's an error, look at your console to see what it might be.

If you installed jsonlint then this will make the output more readable:

$ curl "http://localhost:9292/?lon=-87.64597&lat=41.866862&version=6.2&radius=2000&layerName=example" | jsonlint
  "layer": "example",
  "showMessage": "Message to show when layer is opened.",
  "refreshDistance": 300,
  "refreshInterval": 100,
  "hotspots": [],
  "errorCode": 21,
  "errorString": "No results found.  Try adjusting your search range and any filters."



Layar configuration is done in the config.json file. You can use the one that's there or edit it as you like. It's in JSON and looks like this:

    "layer": "code4lib2013",
    "showMessage": "Use the #c4l13 hashtag and turn on geolocating for your tweets to show here.",
    "search": "#code4lib OR #c4l13",
    "google_maps": [
    "icon_url": "http://code4lib.org/files/logo.png"
    "layer": "example",
    "showMessage": "Message to show when layer is opened.",
    "search": "#this OR #that",
    "google_maps": [

This is an array of objects. Each object has these elements:

  • layer (required): name of the layer. This must match the name used in the layer's configuration at Layar.
  • showMessage (optional): text message that shows when the user launches the layer.
  • search (required): the Twitter search used to find relevant tweets
  • google_maps (optional): URLs of Google Maps listings points of interest. If there's more than one, separate with a comma.
  • icon_url (optional): URL of an image that Layer will use when showing locations of points taken from the maps. To one in this source tree, put it in the public/icons/ directory and then give its full URL. It must be 110x110 pixels. See Look and Feel Tab Explanation for more.

If you edit the config file you can use jsonlint to make sure it's valid:

$ jsonlint config.json


Twitter configuration is done through environment variables.

To make Laertes work, first you will need to set it up as a new app. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/new and follow the steps there to create a new app. Call it Laertes, and fill in the other fields with some basic information. Then go to the API Keys tab. The API key and API secret will be there, but you also need the access token. Use the "Create my access token button" to create them. It will take a few moments. Wait a little bit, reload, and then they should be there.

These four keys and secrets are needed by Laertes to authenticate to Twitter with the Twitter gem. Set them as environment variables with these names. In bash you would put this in your .bashrc:

# Laertes environment variables
export LAERTES_ACCESS_TOKEN="12345678-zzzzz"

Don't forget to source .bashrc or paste those lines into your shell so your current environment knows those variables.

With that done, you can run Laertes locally and it will be able to log into Twitter.

Deploying in production

Laertes uses Rack, so you can deploy it with Phusion Passenger.

Another option is to use the hosted service Heroku. Follow the instructions there about signing up and installing the toolkit and logging in on your system, and then do this:

$ # [edit config.json in your favourite editor]
$ git add config.json
$ git commit -m "Customized config file"
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master

Heroku will tell you it's set up the service for you at some-outlandish-hostname-2112.herokuapp.com. Now you can query it just like you queried your local instance before (change the hostname as necessary):

$ curl "http://some-outlandish-hostname-2112.herokuapp.com/?lon=-87.64597&lat=41.866862&version=6.2&radius=2000&layerName=example"

The Twitter search won't work, because the environment variables are not set. Use the instructions on Configuration and Config Vars to do this.

$ heroku config:set LAERTES_CONSUMER_KEY=xxxxx
$ heroku config:set LAERTES_CONSUMER_SECRET=yyyyy
$ heroku config:set LAERTES_ACCESS_TOKEN=12345678-zzzzz
$ heroku config:set LAERTES_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=zzzzz

Heroku remembers these variables through upgrades. When they're set, do the curl query again and it should work.

Setting up a layer in Layar

The last step is to set up a layer at Layar. Set up an account if you don't have one. Then go to My Layers and look for the "create a new layer" option. You will need to configure some options:

  • Layer name: this must match an entry in your config.json file.
  • Title: Human-readable title.
  • Short description: A short paragraph about what this is. You can edit it later.
  • API endpoint URL: http://some-outlandish-hostname-2112.herokuapp.com/ or whatever your Heroku URL is, or wherever it is you're hosting Laertes.
  • Layer type: Set it to "3D and 2D objects in 3D space"

That will create a layer. There are many more options you can configure, but you don't need to bother with them now.

Install the Layar app on your smartphone or tablet if you haven't already. Go into the settings and log in. Now, in Geo Layers mode, if you page all the way to the right through the listings of layers you'll see a page called Test that lists all of your layers. Launch the one you created and it should work! Depending on how you configured it, if there are any tweets or POIs nearby, you'll see them.

There are two filters available in Laertes. You can set up one or both. Layar only allows one of each possible filter type, so if you configure a any checkbox filter Laertes will treat it as a tweet/map point filter, and and any radio button filter will be treated a tweet time limit filter.

Filter 1: tweets and/or map points

If there are many tweets and many map points the visual display can be confusing. This filter lets the user see just tweets, just map points, or both (or none, but that doesn't make much sense).

Screenshot of tweet/map point filter

Configure it in Layer in the Filters option. You can use different text, but you must use 1 for tweets and 2 for map points.

Filter 2: time limits on tweets

Tweets from two days ago get in the way when someone wants to know what's going on right now. This filter lets the user limits tweets by time.

Screenshot of tweet time filter

The option values and time limits are hard coded. You can adjust the text slightly but that will not change how the filter works, if a radio button list is present.

Using it

Tell people to:

  • install Layar
  • go into Geo Layers mode
  • search for your layer
  • launch it (and mark it as a favourite so it's easier to find later)
  • look around

Tweets must be geolocated to appear. To do this in the official Twitter client you will need to enable this in settings, and then enable it for each individual tweet you want to locate by pressing the little button icon.

Contact information

I'm interested in hearing anything about this: William Denton <wtd@pobox.com> at www.miskatonic.org and @wdenton.

Bug reports, pull requests, suggestions, comments and feedback are all welcome.